Day in the Life

Apr 20, 1834

Journal Entry

April 20, 1834 ~ Sunday
the sabbath with them And the next
sabbath we spent with the brethren at
Genesee c[ounty] then we continued our
journey we called on Brother
McWithe and spent the night with
him we also called on Brother Lewis
we there found Brother John Murdock
& Orson Pratt we spent the sabbath with
them and herd them both preach and


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Murdock, John
15 Jul 1792 - 23 Dec 1871
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Lewis, Tarlton
18 May 1805 - 22 Nov 1890


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Religious – The History of Zion's Camp
your Excellency of , we had a word on the subject of petitioning. We should be pleased to hear further, and would here observe that no communication from the Executive, giving his opinion or ad- vice, will be made public if requested not to do so. We are Respectfully and with great regard your Obt. Servants, A. S. Gilbert, W. W. Phelps. John Corrill. The drafting and signing of the above was the last public act of that keeper of the


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Apr 20, 1834