Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1835

Journal Entry

January 20, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Left Mr Williams and travled
to Mr Conner took breakfast with
him ^had traveled 172 miles across country
east fork of Sac River^ from thence across Sack River
and on to Mr William Crisp being
18 miles in Polk County preached
to him and his household to his satisfaction


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
we arose this morning still Hungry & started in the rain upon our Journey we travled 12 miles to a house which was the nearest one to whare we staid last night, this House was occupied by one Mr Cornor He was also From Jackson County & was acquainted with the mobing of the Saints He was an Enemy nevertheless he asked us to take sum breakfast as He knew we were Hungry we ate a vary harty meal while he sat & swore at us vary severely because we were mormons. when we stoped Eating we thanked him for our food for we felt thankful for it as we had 72 miles without Eating we then went our way crossed a river & travelled 18 miles & spent the night with Mr William Crisp in Polk County we preached the gospel to him & family He seemed quite satisfied with it
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Left Mr Williams and travled across Sack river on to Mr William Crisp being 18 miles in Polk County


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Jan 20, 1835