Day in the Life

Jan 24, 1835

Journal Entry

January 24, 1835 ~ Saturday

preached at Mr. Turners house
and travled to Mr Charles J Teas
1 mile in Green Co.


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

I preached at Mr Turners house the first time that I ever attempted to preach to a public congregation there was quite a snow storm during the time I had good liberty & was followed by Brother Brown at the close of the meeting we went one mile & spent the night with Mr Charles J Peas

Mission - Account of the early part of Southern States Mission, 13 January 1835 - 27 March 1835

I preached at Mr Nathan Tanner's in Green county, M[i]ssouri the first time we had found a congregation we could preach to in safety, and the first time that I had ever attempted to preach as a missionary. I had great liberty and was followed by Elder Brown, Dur[in]g our preaching that was a snow storm. We arrived at Petty John Creek in Arkansas, where Mr Alexander Akeman resided with a large family of sons and one daugheter, settled around him. Mr Akeman and a part of the family were members of the chruch in Jackson county; his wife died stroun in the faith in M[i]ssouri His while family were mobbed, and some of his sons were whipped severely; but hs could not stand the persecution and loss of his property. He moved to Arkansas to get rid of M[o]rmonism; had aposta- tized and was bitter against the work. When we called upon he opposed us strongly—spoke the leaders of the Church and Book of Mormon. He had one son who received us and had a little fiath. I dreamed the night before that we were required to walk in straight, narrow parth, and while following the path it led to the door of

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

2nd page 11. ((On the I preached at Mr Nathan Turners in Green County Missouri it being the first time that we had found a congregation during our journey that we could get together and preach to in safety, & the first time that I had ever attempted to, preach the gospel to a congregation in the capacity of a priest or missionary I had good liberty & was followed by Elder Brown ther was a hard snow storm during the time))

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I preached at Mr. Nathan Tanner's, in Green county, Missouri, the first time we had found a congre- gation we could preach to in safety, and the first time that I had ever attempted to preach as a missionary. I had great liberty, and was followed by Elder Brown. During our preach- ing, there was a snow storm. We arrived at Petty John Creek, in Arkansas, where Mr. Alexander Ake- man resided, with a large family of sons and one daughter, settled around him. Mr. Akeman, and a part of the family, were members of the Church in Jackson county; his wife died strong in the faith in Missouri. His whole family were mobbed, and some of his sons were whipped severely; but he could not stand the persecution and the loss of his property. He moved to Arkansas, to get rid of "Mormonism," had apostatized, and was bitter against the Work. When we called upon him, he opposed us strongly—spoke against the leaders of the Church and the Book of Mormon. He had one son who received us, and had a little faith. I dreamed the night before, that we were required to walk in a straight, narrow path; and while following the path, it led to the door of a house, which was placed in a high wall that we could not get around. As I opened the door to go through, I saw the room was filled with large serpents. I entered, and they all coiled up to jump at me; as they made a spring to bite me, they all fell dead at my feet, turned black, swelled up, burst open, took fire, and were consumed before my eyes. We met with much opposition from Mr. Akeman, and many in the neigh- borhood. Elder Brown wished to leave the place immediately. I told him I should stay, and see my dream fulfilled. We staid in the neighbor- hood twenty-five days, during which time the Lord brought judgment upon those who threatened to mob and kill us; many of them died suddenly, and I was warned three times by the Lord, to go to Mr. Akeman, and bear testi- mony unto him of the truth of "Mor- monism," and the wickedness of his course in opposing it; and the last time I called upon him, he was filled with wrath against me, and when I left his house, he followed me in a rage, apparently with some evil intent.

Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)

preached at Mr Nathan Turners house and travled to Mr Charles J Tease 1 mile in Green County


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Jan 24, 1835