Day in the Life

Feb 7, 1835

Journal Entry

February 07, 1835 ~ Saturday

Left Mr Walkers crossed the Revelle
from thence to Mr Wm.
in Scott Co distance 26 miles


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Travelled 26 miles crossed a large creek & spent the night with Mr Wm Riley, Scott Co 8th I had the following Dream during the night while at Wm Rileys I thought that Brother Brown & myself were commanded to walk in a strait Narrow Path let it lead where it might while walking in this path it lead to the door of a house with high walls so we could not get around the House without going through it. I opened the door and saw the room was filled with large serpents I shuddered at the sight & tried to avoid going through the room but I could not do it so I steped into the room to go through trusting my life in the hands of God, and as I got near the center of the floor all the snakes arose in a curve with their heads several feet from the floor & sprung at me as though they would devour me in an instant there was one much larger then the rest & he struck at my face Just before he reached me he droped dead & evry one drop dead in the room, they burst open, took fire, & were consumed & I passed through the room unharmed I then awoke, in the morning I told Brother Brown my dream & told him that we were going to meet with opposition but we should conquer & it was nigh us
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Left Mr Walkers crossed the Renellee Creek from thence to Mr William Riley in Scott Co distance 26 miles


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Feb 7, 1835