Day in the Life

Jun 22, 1836

Journal Entry

June 22, 1836 ~ Wednesday

22 Rode to Br Clapp's was quite unwell {with a cold} 12 miles


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Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
They were tried on the . They pleaded their own cause. Although men came forward and testified they did receive the Holy Ghost after they were baptized, the brethren were condemned; but were finally released by paying the expenses of the mob court. There was one peculiar circumstance connected with this trial by a mob court, which was armed to the teeth. When the trial was through with, the people were not willing to permit more than one to speak. Warren Parrish had said but few words, and they were not willing to let David Patten speak. But he, feeling the injustice of the court, and being filled with the power of God, arose to his feet and delivered a speech of about twenty minutes, holding them spell-bound while he told them of their wickedness and the abominations that they were guilty of, also of the curse of God that awaited them, if they did not repent, for taking up two harmless, in- offensive men for preaching the gospel of Christ. When he had got through his speech the judge said, "You must be armed with secret weapons, or you would not talk in this fearless manner to an armed court." Brother Patten replied; "I have weapons that you know not of, and they are given me of God, for He gives me all the power I have." The judge seemed willing to get rid of them almost upon any terms, and offered to dismiss them if their friends would pay the costs, which the brethren pres- ent freely offered to do. When the two were released, they mounted their horses and rode a mile to Seth Utley's; but, as soon as they had left, the court became ashamed that they had been let go so easily and the whole mob mounted their horses to follow them to Utley's. One of the Saints, seeing the state of affairs, went on before the mob to notify the brethren, so that they had time to ride into the woods near by. They traveled along about three miles to Brother Albert Petty's, and went to bed. The night was dark, and they fell asleep. But Brother Patten was warned in a dream to get up and flee, as the mob would soon be there. They both arose, saddled their animals, and rode into the adjoining county. The house they had just left was soon
Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal
They were tried on the . They pleaded their own cause. Although men came forward and testified they did receive the Holy Ghost after they were baptized, the
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
22 Rode to Br Clapp's was verry unwell {with a cold} distance of the day 12 [miles]


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Jun 22, 1836