Day in the Life

Jul 4, 1836

Journal Entry

July 04, 1836 ~ Monday

4 Rode to Mr Martin Maxwells Preached at his house
upon the parable of the vineyard spake by the Prophet
Zenas [Jacob 5] Spent the night at Maxwell had much conversation
with A company of Atheist esspecially their celebrated
leader Mr Cathy. I retired to bed at 12 oclock & was
attacked with a fever. Pain in the breast & soreness of
longues in Carroll County Tenn[essee] distance 3 miles


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Maxwell, Martin
abt. 1797-bef. 1872
2 mentions
11 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
4 Rode to Mr Martin Maxwell Preached at his house upon the Parable of the vineyard spake by the Prophet Zenas spent the night at Maxwells had much conversation with a company of Atheist esspecially their celebrated leader Mr Cathy retired to bed at 12 oclock & was attacked with a fever. Pain in the breast & soreness of longues. [lungs] in Carroll Co Ten[nessee] 3 miles


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Jul 4, 1836