Day in the Life

Aug 19, 1836

Journal Entry

August 19, 1836 ~ Friday

19 Left Br Murphys horse with him walked to
Mr Alexander's distance of the day 4 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Murphy, Jeremiah B.
1805- bef. 1840
21 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Alexander, Randolph
22 Mar 1802 - 12 Mar 1879
56 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
Aug 1st. Rode to Mr R Gilberts Weakly County Tenn distance of the day 25 mile 2 Took JUDE (the Mare that I had been riding for the last year which belongd to Br Samuel West) out of the stable to ride to the Green Hill School house to attend our appointment & found her vary lame stiff & sick some called her sickness a founder others the bots others Poison &c. I rode Jude to meeting & Preached after meeting I rode her to Mr William H Mckleskey distance to & from meeting 4 miles which was the last time that I or any other Person ever did or ever will ride her in time she grew wors through the evening. We gave her sweetend milk & allum water for the bots
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
19 Left Br Murphy's horse with him & walked to Mr Alexander's distance of the day 4 miles

Aug 19, 1836