Day in the Life

Feb 19, 1837

Journal Entry

February 19, 1837 ~ Sunday

Feb. 19th I repaired to the house of the Lord & stood in
the midst of the congregation of the Saints whare I
beheld President JOSEPH SMITH Jr arise in the stand
& for several hours addressed the Saints in the power
of God
. Joseph had been absent from Kirtland on bus-
iness for the Church, though not half as long as Moses
was in the mount, & many were stir'd up in their
hearts & some were against him as the Israelites were
against Moses but when he arose in the power of
God in their midst, as Moses did anciently, they were
put to silence for the complainsers saw that he
stood in the power of a Prophet, O how weak is man. [Exodus 24:16-18] [Exodus 32]


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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
212 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

I went up to the House of the Lord and heard the Prophet Joseph address the people for several hours He had been absent from Kirtland on business for the Church though not half as long as Moses was in the Mount [Exodus 24:18] yet many were stirred up in their hearts and some were against him as the Israelites were against Moses; but when he arose in the power of God in the midst of them they were put

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

Sunday I attended the meeting at the Temple ^president^ Joseph ^Smith^ had been absent on business for the Church but not half as long as Moses was in the mount away from Israel yet many of the people in Kirtland if they did not make a calf to worship as did the Israelites, they turned their hearts away from the Lord and from Joseph [Exodus 32:1-8] they had engaged in speculation and given away to fals spririts untill they were dark- ened in their minds and many were opposed to Joseph ^Smith^ and some wished to appoint David Whitmore as prophet ^a^ to lead the Church in ^his^ stead of Joseph it was in the midst of this cloud of dark spirits that Joseph returned to Kirtland and this morning arose in the stand. when he first arose in the he appeared as though he was much depressed in spirit but soon the spirit of God rested upon him and he addressed the Assembly in great plainness for about three hours and he put his enemies to silence for the time being when he arose he said I am still the ^President^ prophet, seer, and revelator and leader of the Church of Jesus Christ and kingdom of God upon the Earth. God and not man has appointed and placed me in this position and No man or set of men has ^have^ power to remove me or appoint another in my stead and those

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I attended meeting at the Temple. Prest. Joseph Smith had been absent on business for the church, but not half as long as Moses was in the mount away from Israel, yet many of the people in Kirtland, if they did not make a calf to worship as did the Israelites, they turned their hearts away from the Lord and from His servant Joseph [Exodus 32:1-8], and had engaged in speculation and given away to false spirits

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I attended meeting at the Temple. President Joseph Smith had been absent on business for the Church, but not half as long as Moses was in the mount away from Israel; yet many of the people in Kirtland, if they did not make a calf to worship, as did the Israelites, turned their hearts away from the Lord, and from his servant Joseph, and had engaged in speculation, and given way to false spirits, until they were darkened in their minds; and many were op- posed to Joseph Smith, and some wished to appoint David Whitmer to lead the Church in his stead. [Exodus 32:1-8] In the midst of this cloud of dark spirits, Joseph returned to Kirtland, and this morning arose in the stand. He ap- peared much depressed; but soon the Spirit of God rested upon him, and he addressed the assembly in great plain- ness for about three hours, and put his enemies to silence. When he arose he said, "I am still the President, Prophet, Seer, Revelator and Leader of the Church of Jesus Christ. God, and not man, has appointed and placed me in this position, and no man or set of men have power to remove me, or appoint another in my stead; and those who undertake this, if they do not speedily repent, will burn their fingers and go to hell." He reproved the people sharply for their sins, dark- ness and unbelief. The power of God rested upon him, and bore testimony that his sayings were true.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

—I attended meeting at the Temple. Prest. Joseph Smith had been absent on busi- ness for the church, but not half as long as Moses was in the mount away from Israel; yet many of the people in Kirtland, if they did not make a calf to worship as did the Israelites, turned their hearts away from the Lord and from his servant Joseph[Exodus 32:1-8], and had engaged in speculation and given away to false spirits, until they were darkened in their minds; and many were opposed to Joseph Smith, and some wished to appoint David Whitmer to lead the church in his stead. In the midst of this cloud of dark spirits, Joseph returned to Kirtland, and this morning arose in the stand. He appeared much depressed; but soon the Spirit of God rested upon him, and he addressed the assembly in great plain- ness for about three hours, and put his enemies to silence. When he arose he said, "I am still the President, Prophet, Seer, Revelator and Leader of the church of Jesus Christ. God, and not man, has appointed and placed me in this position, and no man or set of men have power to remove me or appoint another in my stead, and those who undertake this, if they do not speedily repent, will burn their fingers and go to hell.["] He reproved the people sharply for their sins, darkness and unbelief; the power of God rested upon him, and bore testimony that his sayings were true.


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Feb 19, 1837