Day in the Life

Apr 3, 1837

Journal Entry

April 03, 1837 ~ Monday

April 3rd The day had now arived for preperations
for the solumn assembly the Annointing & the endowment
of the Elders of Israel or at least for those that were
not endowed in Kirtland the strong hold of the daughter
of Zion in the spring of 1836 & as I was absent
at that time my day is now come & my time at hand
for those blessings & I shall record the events of
each day of the endowment for the benefit of the
generation to come. I upon this third day of April
met in the house of the Lord with a number of the
seventies to receiev counsel respecting our
washing & anointing. I was appointed with Elder
G. Meeks to visit President F. G. Williams &
have the perfumes & oil prepared against the day
following I consider'd it a privilege to wait upon
the Elders of Israel in this thing that we might
become the annointed of the Lord according
to the words of the Poet & the Revelations

We'll wash and be washed and with oil be anointed
Withal not omit the washing of feet
For he that receiveth his PENNY appointed
Must surely be clean at the hearvest of wheat [Matthew 20:1-16]

After attending to the duties above spoken I repaired
to a room in company with Elder Meeks & Priest J Turpin
to attend to our first washing after washing our
bodies from head to foot in soap & watter we then
washed ourselves in clear watter next in perfumed
spirits the spirit of God was with us & we had a
spiritual time. We spent the evening with several
Elders in Prayer before God & the Power of God
rested upon us.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Williams, Frederick Granger
28 Oct 1787 - 10 Oct 1842
Turpin, Jesse
44 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
brought the day for the preparations to be made for the solemn assembly and the anointing and endowment of the Elders of Israel. Those were now to receive their endowments who had not received them in the Spring of 1836 and as I was absent at that time it fell to my lot to receive this blessing with those who were to pass through the Temple for endowment at this time. I shall record the events of each day of the endowment for the benefit of the generations to come. On this 3rd day of April I met in the house of the Lord with a number of the Seventies to received counselcil respecting our washings and anointings. I was appointed with Elder G. Meeks to visit President F. G. Williams and have the perfumes and oil prepared for the day following that we the Elders of Israel might become the anointed ones of the Lord according to the revelations of Jesus Christ and as sung by the poet: "We'll wash and be washed and with oil be anointed "Withal not omitting the washing of feet "For he that receiveth his penny appointed "Must surely be clean at the harvest of wheat."


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Woodruffs live with Jonathan and Olive Hale; Wilford records patriarchal blessings for Joseph Smith Sr.

Apr 3, 1837