Day in the Life

May 10, 1837

Journal Entry

May 10, 1837 ~ Wednesday

10th Brother Henry Harmon arived in Kirtland
from the state of Maine and Mrs Woodruff
receieved nine Letters from our friends in the
state of Maine


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Harriman, Henry
9 Jun 1804 - 17 May 1891
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 10 May 1837
Terra Haute. Ind Asahel H Willf Willford Woodruff Woodruff W Woodruff Asahel H Woodruff
Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
walked to Brother Judd's ^we crossed the Lake, visited upper Canida, attended a conference^ We attended a conference with Elders John E Page & ^J^ Blakesley in the Township of Bastard, Leeds County where there was 8 branches represented containing 300 members, 13 Elders 5 priest 8 teachers and 6 deacons. Elder Wm Draper and myself ordained 7 Elders 9 Priest 11 Teachers and 5 deacons and 5 was baptized by Elder page at the close of the conference. One ^a^ woman was was possessed with the Devil she was greatly afflicted and much of the time was dumb four of us laid hands upon ^her^ and commanded the Devil to come out of her in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and the evil spirit immediately left her and she was made whole and she arose and gave thanks unto God and went her way rejoicing we visited several other branches preached the word of God and ^several sick were^ healed several that were sick, ^we^ returned to Kingston took steamer for Oswego and canal for Albany we were accompanied from Canida by John Goodson, Isaac Russel, and John Snider who left us at Schenectady to join Elders Kimball Hyde & Richard at New York to go to England. We walked from Albany to Farmington Connecticut, attended a
Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star
rence, , with Elders John E. Page and James Blakesly, in the township of Bastard, Leeds County. There were eight branches represented, containing 300 members. 13 Elders, 5 Priests, 8 Teachers and 6 Deacons. Elder William Draper and myself ordained 7 Elders, 9 Priests, 11 Teach- ers, and 5 Deacons: five were baptized by Elder Page at the close of the Con- ference. A woman was possessed of the devil and greatly afflicted, much of the time was dumb; four of us laid hands upon her, and cast the devil out in the name of Jesus Christ, and she was made whole, and gave thanks unto God, and went on her way rejoic- ing. We visited several other Branches and preached the word of God, and several of the sick were healed. We returned to Kingston, took steamer for Oswego, and canal for Albany; Brothers John Goodson, Isaac Russel and John Snider accom- panied us from Canada, and left us at Schenectady, to join Elders Kimball, Hyde and Richards at New York, to go to England. We walked from Albany to Farm- ington, Conn.; attended a conference of the Saints in Canaan; arrived at


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Woodruffs live with Jonathan and Olive Hale; Wilford records patriarchal blessings for Joseph Smith Sr.

May 10, 1837