Day in the Life

Aug 27, 1837

Journal Entry

August 27, 1837 ~ Sunday

27th Sunday I walked to the East parish, & found Elder Hale. I preached
at 10 AM. on faith. I also preached in the Baptist meeting house to a large
congregation at 5 PM. on the coming of christ, & gave out five appointments
for the weak. While I had a congregation during the Day, I was credibly
informed, that Mr Newton, had not one soul beside himself to attend his
meeting. Spent the night at Capt Justus Eames. distance 8 miles


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Newton, Gideon J.
28 Jul 1787 - 17 Feb 1859
46 mentions
Maine Mission
Hale, Jonathan Harriman
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
154 mentions
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission


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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)
27th Sunday walked to the East School house found Elder Hale I preached at 10 AM on faith after meeting I Dined with Mr Waterman & walked to the Meeting house & I preached to a large con- gregation at 5 PM on the coming of Christ & gave out five appointments for the week {shorthand} day
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
on the following , Sunday, I preached at East Parish on faith in the morning and in the evening to a large congregation in the Baptist meeting house on the coming of Christ. I gave out five appointments for the week. I was informed that the Rev Mr Newton had not a soul besides himself to attend his meeting Thus, without entering into the detail of every day, it must be understood that our mis^s^ion was pushed forward with


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Aug 27, 1837