Day in the Life

Sep 3, 1837

Journal Entry

September 03, 1837 ~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I preached at Capt Justus Eam's, & delivered two discourses
after I closed, I opened a door for baptism and two offered themse-
lves as candidates, which whas Capt Justus Eames & his wife. We
immediately walked to the sea shore and Elder Jonathan H. Hale, lead
them down into the sea & baptized them. These were the first Elder
Hale ever baptized, & the first baptized upon the Islands of the
sea (to my knowledge) in these last days by an Elder of Israel. I
gave out an appointment for next Sabbath at Brother Eames. I adminis-
tered in the confirmation of Brother & Sister Eames. I spent the night
with Stephen Luce Esq distance 4 miles.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Ames, Betsey Hudson
10 Dec 1793 - 23 Nov 1882
Hale, Jonathan Harriman
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
154 mentions
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Luce, Stephen
10 Jul 1801 - 28 Apr 1872
25 mentions
Maine Mission


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We sat down under the shade of a pine for morning prayers, & O, what glorious contemplations vibrated our souls. Elder Hale read the XVI. ch of Jeremiah that spake of the hunters and fishers that God should chuse in the last days to gather Israel. And of a truth here we were on an Island of the sea standing upon a rock whare we could survey the gallant ships, and also the Island. which was as full of rocks, holes, & caves perhaps as any part of the earth. But what had brought us here? Ah to search out the Blood of Ephraim & gather him from these Islands, rocks, holes, & caves, which were numerous While the sun shed his beams to gladden earth, the spirit of God caused, our souls to rejoice. I sat down in company with Elder Hale, we read, and sung, and Prayed, and rejoiced. We spake of the ancient Prophets & Apostles in Jerusalem and Asia, Also of Nephhi, Alma, Mormon & Moroni in America. We Also spake of Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, & of the twelve
~ Wilford Woodruff
We sat down under the shade of a pine for morning prayers, & O, what glorious contemplations vibrated our souls. Elder Hale read the XVI. ch of Jeremiah that spake of the hunters and fishers that God should chuse in the last days to gather Israel. And of a truth here we were on an Island of the sea standing upon a rock whare we could survey the gallant ships, and also the Island. which was as full of rocks, holes, & caves perhaps as any part of the earth. But what had brought us here? Ah to search out the Blood of Ephraim & gather him from these Islands, rocks, holes, & caves, which were numerous While the sun shed his beams to gladden earth, the spirit of God caused, our souls to rejoice. I sat down in company with Elder Hale, we read, and sung, and Prayed, and rejoiced. We spake of the ancient Prophets & Apostles in Jerusalem and Asia, Also of Nephhi, Alma, Mormon & Moroni in America. We Also spake of Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, & of the twelve
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)

3rd Sunday I preached at Capt Justus Eames I commenced at 10 AM at the closing of the first discourse {shorthand} we had an intermission & Met again at 1 PM I preached upon the parable of the vineyard of Zenos and after I closed {shorthand} two offered themselves for baptism We accordingly repared to the Sea Shore And Elder Jonathan Hale led them into the waters of baptism Which were Capt Justus Eames & Betsey Eames his wife these were the first Elder Hale Ever Baptized & the first Baptised on any of the Islands of the Sea in thes Last Days by the Elders of Latter Day Saints to my knowledge I gave out an appointment for next Sabbath at Brother Eames {shorthand} 20 {shorthand} {shorthand} I administered in the confermatins of Brother & Sister Eames. I spent the night at Stephen Luce Esq the Distance of the day 4 miles

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

went down into the sea and baptized them on the

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

and baptized them on Sunday the the first ever baptized upon any Island of the Sea in this dispensation to my knowledge, and on the next sabbath I baptized his Brother Ebenezar Eames another Sea Captain and a young Lady. Mr Newton the Baptist Minister now commenced a war agaist us against us and sent to the South Island for a Mr Douglass a Methodist Minister to (with whom he had been at variance for years) to come over and help him put down mormonism. He came over and held a conf- -erence and got all the people together they could and he railed against Joseph the prophet and the Book of Mormon and he took the Book in his hand and with an out stretched [hand] declaired he knew none of the Judgments of God that would come upon him for rejected that Book as the word of God

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

the same labour and spirit in our ministry and on the 23rd ^^ after delivering two discourses I opened a door for baptism when two candidates offered themselves for the ordinance. They were Capt. Justus Eames and his wife. We immediately walked to the sea shore and Elder Hale baptized them. They were the first

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

tized them on the , and these were the first baptisms performed by proper authority upon any of the islands of the sea (to my knowledge) in this dispensation. Before we left Kirtland some of the leading apostates there had tried to dis- courage Brother Hale about going on his mission, telling him he would never bap- tize any one, and he had better remain at home. When Captain Eames offered himself for baptism, I told Brother Hale to go and baptize him, and prove those men false prophets, and he did so. On the following Sabbath I baptized his brother, Ebenezer Eames, another sea captain, and a young lady. Mr. Newton, the Baptist minister, now commenced a war against us, and sent to the South Island for a Mr. Douglas, a Methodist minister (with whom he had been at variance for years) to come over and help him put down "Mormonism." Mr. Douglas came over, and they got as many people together as they could and held a conference. He railed against Joseph, the prophet, and the Book of Mormon, and, taking that book in his hand, with out-stretched arm, declared that he feared none of the judgments of God that would come upon him for re- jecting it as the word of God, (I never heard what his sentiments upon this sub- ject were at the end of his term of fourteen years' imprisonment in the Thomaston Penitentiary, for an outrage upon his daughter, the judgment of which was given upon the testimony of his wife and daughter.) I was present and heard Mr. Douglass' speech upon this occasion, and took minutes of the same. When he closed I arose and informed the people that I would meet with them next Sunday in the meeting-house, and answer Mr. Douglass, and wished him, as well as the people to be present. I informed the people that Mr. Doug- lass had made many false statements against Joseph Smith and the Latter-day Saints, with whom he had no acquain- tance, and he had misquoted much Scrip- ture, all of which I could correct. We continued to baptize the people on the North Island until we baptized every person who owned an interest in the Baptist meeting-house. I then followed Mr. Douglass home to the South Island, and preached the gospel to and baptized nearly all the members of his church. The excitement became great on both


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Sep 3, 1837