Day in the Life

Sep 6, 1837

Journal Entry

September 06, 1837 ~ Wednesday

Sept 6th I saw a great variety this day. I passed over & viewed a pleasing
Rocky scenery both on the beach and upland. We dined with Mr Benjamin
, we visited his flakes of fish, which contained about one thousand
quintals of cod, that were spread for drying, these were principly
cought at New foundland. From this place we walked to Carvers
, here we were for a moment diverted to see a school of
Mackerel playing in the water by the side of the whrarf while several
men were cetching them with hooks. Elder Hale and myself flung out
some hooks and had no difficulty in cetching a plenty of them, we
caught what we wished for and went our way, leaving thousands of
them in the water ready to bite the hook. People on these Islands are
now in the midst of haying, & some few began to cut their wheat.
Fruit is now ripe such as cherries, raspburies, Gooseburies, currants
&c. We preached at night in the school house No 4 and spent the
night at Mr Benj[amin] Fernald's distance of the day 5 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Coombs, Benjamin
27 Jun 1789 - 10 Jun 1851
18 mentions
Maine Mission
2 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Hale, Jonathan Harriman
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
154 mentions


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& seventies, esspecially, Kimble, Hide, Goodson & others in England. Of Page & Blakesley on Canida & many others we thought and spake of. While filled with these meditations, & the Promises of GOD, we fell upon our knees and thanked the God of heaven, & Prayed for all Israel, not forgetting the Church of Latter Day Saints, head nor foot. We plead with God for Joseph, & for all the Elders and members, esspecially our wives. Our souls rejoiced, & we went our way with glad hearts. Will not the rememberance of these things, remain forever, esspecially untill our heads are silver'd o'er with age. Tell it unto your childrens children.
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Daybook (18 August 1837 - 11 October 1837)

Sept 6th I saw a great variety this day I passed over & viewed a pleasing Rocky scenery bothe on the beach & upland. We dined with Mr Benjamin Cooms— we visited his flakes of fish which contaned about one thousand cquintles ^quintals^ of cod that were spread for drying these were principly caught at Newfoundland from thence to Carvers wharf ^harber^ here we were for a moment diverted to see a school of Mackerel playing in the water by the side of the wharf while several men were cetching them with hooks Elder Hale & myself flung out some khooks & had no

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the we called upon Captain Benjamin Coombs, and visited his flakes, where he had one thousand quintals of codfish drying for the market. They had mostly been caught in the region of Newfoundland. While we were passing Carvey's Wharf our attention was called to a large school of mackerel playing by the side of the wharf. Several men were pitching them out with hooks. We also flung in a hook and caught all we wanted, then went on our way. CHAPTER XII. RETURN TO THE MAINLAND—PARTING WITH BROTHER HALE —MY SECOND VISIT TO THE ISLANDS—VISIT TO THE ISLE OF HOLT—A SIGN DEMANDED BY MR. DOUGLASS—A PREDICTION ABOUT HIM—ITS SUBSEQUENT FULFILLMENT —SPIRIT OF OPPOSITION—FIRING OFF CANNONS AND GUNS TO DISTURB MY MEETING. WE continued to labor, preaching and baptizing, and organized a branch of the Church upon each island,

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the we called upon Captain Benjamin Coombs, and visited his flakes, where he had one thousand quintals of codfish drying for the market. They had mostly been caught in the region of Newfoundland. While we were passing Carvey's Wharf our attention was called to a large school of mackerel playing by the side of the wharf. Several men were pitching them out with hooks. We also flung in a hook and caught all we wanted, then went on our way. We continued to labor, preaching and baptizing, and organized a branch of the Church upon each island, and,

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

*On the the harbor was filled with a school of Mackerell which the people caught ^in great numbers^ with hooks while standing upon the wharf we also caught all that we wished in the same way

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

the harbor was filled with a school of mackerel, which were caught in great numbers with by the poeple standing upon the wharf. While standing upon the farm of Eleazur Carven^er^ on the north island I counted fifty five islands, many of which were inhabited.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— The harbor was filled with a school of mackerel, which were caught in great numbers by the people standing upon the wharf. While standing upon the farm of Eleazar Carver on the north island I counted fifty five islands, many of which were inhabited.


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Sep 6, 1837