Day in the Life

Jan 13, 1838

Journal Entry

January 13, 1838 ~ Saturday

123 I walked to Br Burgess, to Br Brown's to Mr John Smiths from thence to Joseph Sylvesters & crossed
to the North Island to visit the Saints & also an Elder of the Church of Latter Day Saints who had come
to labour with me in the ministry by the name of JOSEPH BALL I visited Br Sterrett walked from thence to
Brother J Ames. I there found Elder Ball I had a plesent interview with him. He had Baptized six persons
viz Malatire Luce Ruth Luce, Stephen Luce Esq Nathaniel Thomas Susan Thomas & Nancy Kent I spent the
night at Br Ames distance of the day 12 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Brown, Charles
abt. 1805-1839
37 mentions
Family, Maine Mission
Starrett, Cyrus
21 Feb 1802 - 31 Dec 1879
31 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Smith, John (Jr.)
10 Aug 1775 - 11 Oct 1863
9 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
14 mentions
Maine Mission
Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
52 mentions
Maine Mission
Sylvester, Joseph W.
30 May 1815 - 27 May 1862
5 mentions
Maine Mission
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Luce, Malatiah
1772-abt. 1849
28 mentions
Maine Mission
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas, Nathaniel
abt. 1803-1844
73 mentions
Maine Mission
Luce, Ruth Grant
13 Oct 1775 - 13 Jun 1860
8 mentions
Maine Mission
Luce, Stephen
10 Jul 1801 - 28 Apr 1872
25 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas, Susanna Luce
1 Jan 1808 - 9 Oct 1886
10 mentions
Maine Mission


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal
I held meetings almost daily with the Saints up to the , when I crossed to the North Island. Here I found that the seed I had sown was bringing forth fruit. Six persons were ready for baptism. But my mission upon these islands was not an exception to the general rule: success did not come without many obstacles presenting themselves. Those who rejected the word were frequently inspired by the evil one to make an attempt at per- secution. Some of those who felt to oppose me went down to the har- bor and got a swivel and small arms, and planted them close by the school-house, near the sea shore, and while I was speaking they commenced firing their cannon and guns. I continued speaking in great plainness, but my voice was mingled with the report of musketry. I told the people my garments were clear of the blood of the inhabitants of that island, and asked if any wished to embrace the gospel. Two persons came forward and wished to be baptized, and I baptized them. On the following day when I went down to the seaside to baptize a man, the rabble commenced firing guns again, as on the previous night. I afterwards learned that notices were posted up, warning me to leave the town, but I thought it was better to obey God than man, and, therefore, did not go. The next day I baptized three persons, and two days subse- quently a couple of others.
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the I crossed to the North Island to visit the Saints and also to see Elder Joseph Ball who had come to labour with me in the ministry. I found him at brother J. Ames'. He had baptized six persons namely Malatire Luce Ruth Luce Stephen Luce Nathaniel and Susan Thomas and Nancy Kent.
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
Saints up to the , when I crossed to


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Jan 13, 1838