15 I walked to Br Stearrett's I wrote a letter {for Brother Malatire Luce} We held a meeting at Br Stearrett's Elder Ball took the
leed of the meeting, and while he was speaking to our edification a canon or swivvle was discharged
near the house on the sea shore and was soon followed by the discharge of small arms he soon closed
and I arose the Spirit of God rested upon me I declared the word of God to the people in great
plainness my words were at times mixed with the report of musketry that were echoing outside of
of the house. I was plain in declairing to the people the judgments of God I shook my garments in the
presens of the people & informed them that I was clear of their Blood. I asked if any wished to receieve the
gospel & two arose to Be Baptized We closed the meeting after the evening had borne its report to heaven
We blessed three children of Br Stearrett's and spent the night with him {distance} 4 miles
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