Day in the Life

Apr 4, 1838

Journal Entry

April 04, 1838 ~ Wednesday

4 This was an interesting day to my feelings for I have laboured hard for the temporal as well as spiritual salvation
of the Saints upon these Islands I have faithfully exhorted them to sell their property & gather with the Saints
to Zion according to the commandments of God that they may stand in Holy places while judgment works, &
Brother Justus Ames has this day sold his farm & others are striving to follow his example for we see perilous
times have come. I walked to Br Thomas'es with Mrs Woodruff & spent the day & returned at night 2 mi


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas, Nathaniel
abt. 1803-1844
73 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions

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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

man,. On the I called at the post office and Mr Kent the post master showed me a letter containing two sheets of fools cap signed by Warren Parrish and several of the Twelve who had apostitized and been cut off from the Church the letter was teeming with falshood against Joseph Smith and the Prophet and all that stood by him it was sent with the intention to of breaking up the work upon these Islands but it did not injure have the do accomplish it or hinder the work.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

Mr. Kent, the post master, showed me a letter containing two sheets of foolscap signed by Warren Parrish and several of the Twelve, who had apostatized and been cut off from the church, the communication was full of slander and falsehoods against Joseph Smith and the Prophet and all that stood by him; it was sent

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—Mr. Kent, the post mas- ter, showed me a letter containing two sheets of foolscap, signed by Warren Parrish and several of the Twelve, who had apostatized and been cut off from the Church. The communica- tion was full of slander and falsehoods against Joseph Smith and all that stood by him. It was sent with the intention of breaking up the work upon these islands.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— Mr. Kent, the postmaster, showed me a letter containing two sheets of foolscap signed by Warren Parrish and several of the Twelve, who had apostatized and been cut off from the church. The communication was full of slander and falsehoods against Joseph Smith and all that stood by him. It was sent with the intention of breaking up the work upon these islands.


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Apr 4, 1838