Day in the Life

Apr 17, 1838

Journal Entry

April 17, 1838 ~ Tuesday

April 17th

A hand pointing to the right [FIGURE] I walked in company with Mrs Woodruff to the thoroughfare & assisted her in going on board
the mail boat bound for Camden that she might there take the steem boat Bangor to Portland
she went on board the mail boat at 8 oclock AM. in company with Sisters Whitley & Pease & Brother
Ebenezer Ames with some other company. I here parted with Phebe & retired from the abodes of
men & commended her to God. O Lord preserve her from harm, accident, & danger, & give her health
and peace I pray may she return in safety to her friends. After I saw the vessel with her canvass
spread bear my companion away oe'r the billows of the deep I returned alone to Brother Ames
meditating upon a pilgraim's life. I had an interview with Brother Rogers he informed me he was
about to return to his family & church in New Rowley I walked with him a mile on his way as he
was going to take boat to leave the Island we knelt down by the way side & commended each other
unto God & took the parting hand. O who knows the feelings of men that are called to testify against
the wickedness of the people & stand in defence of the word of God & bear perils together of
many kinds & the worst of all such as come from fals brethrer or those that make shipwreck
of faith shsuch as Warren Parrish & John Boyington & others that have done me much evil
by sending letters from Kirtland to these Islands protesting against & condemning the faith
once delivered to the Saints which we advocate & which they once strongly advocated themselves
but the Lord reward them. I returned to Br Ames distance 6 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

3 mentions
Maine Mission
Ames, Ebenezer
abt. 1775-bef. 1850
15 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Whitley, Hannah Dixon Coombs
3 Jul 1808 - 20 Apr 1889
3 mentions
Maine Mission
Boynton, John Farnham
20 Sep 1811 - 20 Oct 1890
16 mentions
Ames, Justus
14 Oct 1789 - 5 Jun 1861
61 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal
On the Mrs. Woodruff left the islands to return to her father's home in Scarboro, Maine, and a few days afterwards I called the Saints of the North Island together and communed with and instructed them. I also informed them that the Spirit of God bore record to me that it was our duty to leave the islands for a season and take a western mission. They had been faithfully warned and the Saints were established in the truth, while the wicked were contending against us, and some were disposed to take our lives if they had the power.
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On the Mrs. Woodruff left the islands to return to her father's home in Scarboro, Maine, and a few days afterwards I called the Saints of the North Island together and communed with and instructed them. I also in- formed them that the Spirit of God bore record to me that it was our duty to leave the islands for a season and take a western mission. They had been faith- fully warned and the Saints were estab- lished in the truth, while the wicked were contending against us, and some were disposed to take our lives if they had the power.
Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
Woodruff ^Mrs Woodruff^ had returned to her friends in Scar Fathers house on the We walked


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Apr 17, 1838