Day in the Life

May 3, 1838

Journal Entry

May 03, 1838 ~ Thursday

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to My Parents in Farmington Con


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Letter to Aphek and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 3 May 1838
Scarborough Maine Hon parents I sit down this morning in company with Phebe & Mother Carter for the purpose of addressing a few lines to you. I have just written a letter to Brother Asahel one object I have in view in writing at this time is to inform you of my present calculations & intentions. A person situated as I am in life & calling Does not at all times know what a day or a month will bring forth or whare they may be called to stand in defence of the truth. I held two conferences the middle of April upon fox Island & organized a Church upon each of the Islands & left them in a situation to attend to their meetings while I am absent the two Churches number about 50 members being the fruits of my labours during the past season & in consequence of recieving some intelligence from Elder Parley P. Pratt now preaching in the City of New York. I have left the Islands for the purpose of visiting that City & am now at Father Carters house Phebe has spent the winter with me upon the Islands she returned home by water the 20 of April at that time I expected to have spent the Summer upon the Islands but on recieving intelligence from NY, I left the Islands on the 28 of April & returned to father cCarters in company with Elder Milton Holmes on the 1st of May I intend to persue my journey on Monday I am expect- ing to visit Lynn, Boston, Holiston, & the City of NY, as the work of God is pro- gressing in those places & it is my present calculation to visit you in Conn- ectcut either going or on my return I felt last season that an opportunity would offer for me to visit you again & I now feel as though that time is nigh. I am expecting to lead a company of Saints from the Islands to the City far West Mo next September I expect Phebe will accompany me to Missouri if her circumstances will admit which I trust will be the case. She would be glad to visit you this season but I suppose will not be able to. She sends her respects to you & Sister Eunice & all who inquire. I was highly edifyed with the reading of your last letter should you write to me again please direct to Scarborough Maine as Phebe will


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May 3, 1838