Day in the Life

May 7, 1838

Journal Entry

May 07, 1838 ~ Monday

7 I took the parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carter & family & left in company with
Elder Milton Holmes we travled to Saco 5 miles, to Kenebunk 9, to Wells 4, to York 13, then proceded
4 miles further & spent the night. Distance of the day 35 miles


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Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions


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Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

On the first we journeyed 35 miles

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

to Scarborough, I left Scarborough walked to Bradford where I left

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

We walked to Scarborough;— & I left , and walked to Brad- ford where I left Elder Holmes, and proceeded to Boston.

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

and walked to Bradford, where I left Elder Holmes, and pro- ceeded to Boston.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

borough. I left , and walked to Brad- ford, where I left Elder Holmes, and proceed- ed to Boston.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

May 7, 1838