Day in the Life

May 9, 1838

Journal Entry

May 09, 1838 ~ Wednesday

9th We walked to Rowley to Mr Burbanks I theire perused a letter from Viana Jaques from the city far west it
contained many important things concerning the Saints. We returned to Br Holmes & had an interview with
Elder Joseph Ball. We spent the night at father Holmes. Distance 4 miles


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Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
52 mentions
Maine Mission
9 mentions
Holmes, Nathaniel
15 Aug 1775 - 20 Feb 1849
Shearer, Vienna Jaques
10 Jun 1787 - 7 Feb 1884


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
I spent several ^the next^ s at Father Holmes'
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
mouth]], which city we reached the fol- lowing day and spent several hours there, visiting the navy yard. We then walked to Georgetown, formerly New Rowley, and spent the night with Father Na- thaniel Holmes.
Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)
9th We walked to Rowley to Mr Burbanks I there perused a letter from Viana Jaques direct from the city far west it contained many important things afmong ^concerning^ the Saints in that place O when will the Saints rest from their trials difficulties & tribulations & Zion to esstablished forever may the Lord hasten it I pray she stated some of the trials of the Saints {shorthand} {shorthand} We returned to Brother Holmes & there we had an interview with Elder Joseph Ball & we were happy to meet with each other we spent the night at father Holmes distance 4 miles


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May 9, 1838