Day in the Life

May 12, 1838

Journal Entry

May 12, 1838 ~ Saturday

May 12th

I spent the fore part of the day in visiting different parts of the city. I saw many curiosities and
vanities from different parts of the world. I visited south Boston in the afternoon & spent
a part of the day in writing. We again met the sisters of the Church at the house of Sister Vose
in Myrtle street No 9 to speak unto them the words of life we had an interesting time & felt refreshed
by the spirit of God. I then returned & spent the night with Elder Ball. distance of the day 6 miles


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Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
52 mentions
Maine Mission
Sayers, Ruth Daggett Vose
26 Feb 1808 - 18 Aug 1884


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Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)
May 12th I spent the fore part of the day in visiting different parts of the city I saw many curiosities & varieties from different parts of the world. {Shorthand} I visited south Boston in the afternoon & spent a part of the day in writing. We again met the Sisters who were the members of the Church of Latter Day Say at the House of Sister Vose in Myrtle Street No 9 to speak unto them the records of life we had an interesting interview & felt refreshed by the spirit of God. wI then returned & spent the night with Brother Ball at his Mothers ^report of fire again^ distance of the day 6 miles


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

May 12, 1838