Day in the Life

Oct 25, 1838

Journal Entry

October 25, 1838 ~ Thursday

25 Rode to Sayryacuse to Camalias & spent the night. Brother Brown broke an axletree yesterday
he broke an other we seem to be impeded in our progress we had a hail storm to day 20 m


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Brown, Charles
abt. 1805-1839
37 mentions
Family, Maine Mission


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
25 Rode to Syr Sarycuse from thence to Camalious & spent the night at Benjamin Sin Sias Inn. Brother Bro- wn broke down his hind axletree & yesterday he broke down his fore axletree we seem to be much impeded in our progress we had a hard storme of hail this day. distance of the day 20 mil Every News paper brings some account of the mormons in city far west


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Oct 25, 1838