Day in the Life

Nov 4, 1838

Journal Entry

November 04, 1838 ~ Sunday

Nov 4th Sunday we travled through the Catearaugus swamp had a view of the lamanite settlment
we had a vary bad road we travled through Fredonia & put up for the night at the Inn of Mr Standly
near the Church of Latter Day Saints at Pomphret under the care of Elder Benjamin Brown's {Distance} 20 [miles]


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Brown, Benjamin
2 mentions


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
4th Sunday We travled through the Cat- araugus swamp had a view of a lama- nite settlement we had vary bad ro- ads we travled through fredonia & put up for the night at the In of Mr Standly near the Church of Latter Day Saints at Pomfret under the care of Elder Brown Benjamin Brown Distance of the day 20 miles


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Nov 4, 1838