Day in the Life

Nov 7, 1838

Journal Entry

November 07, 1838 ~ Wednesday

7th We had a snow storm during the night Our company seemed much discouraged about getting along. I fell
through a horse stable onto the horses but without much injury. We started on our journey & it commenced
raining from the N E we drove 7 miles in the mud, rain water & wind I suffered much in travling through this
beating storm we put up for the day & night at an Inn 7 m


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
7th We had a snow storm During the night ^I fell through a horse stable on horses^ our company seemed some Discouraged About getting along We started on our journey & it commenced rain ing from the NE We drove 7 miles in the mud rain & water & wind I suffered much travling through this beating storm we put up for the day & night at the In of Mr [blank] $3.00 Distance of the day 7 m


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Nov 7, 1838