Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1838

Journal Entry

November 16, 1838 ~ Friday

16 We travled to Mantauway & spent the night at the Inn of Lewis Turners Elders Holmes & Townsend were with us
Br Holmes had seen several letters (while in Kirtland) that were sent from far west representing that there was
great trouble among the Saints caused by the inhabitants of M[iss]o[uri] comeing against them to war & persecuting
them Elder Milton Holmes has now made up his mind not to go any further with us but to tarry in kirtland or
in the regions round about untill spring. we have had many interesting seasons together but I know not when
we shall meet again or what we shall be called to pass through before that time {Distance of the day} 16


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Townsend, James Foss
20 Feb 1808 - 2 Apr 1886
Turner, Lewis
abt. 1816-1895
3 mentions
Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Next , we left brother M. Holmes and
Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
Nov 16th It is some cold & hazy we contiynued our journey & travled to Mantauway & put up for the night at the In of Mr Lewis Turner Elders M. Holmes & J Townsend once more joined our company & spent the night with us & since Elder Holmes has ben in Kirtland he has seen several Letters from far west Mo representing that their is great troubles among the Saints in consequence of the inhabitants coming against them to war Elder Milton Holmes
Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
has now made up his mind not to journey any further with us but to tarry in Kirtland or the regions round about untill next spring we have had many interesting seasons together & the Lord ownly knows when or where we shall ever meet again or what troubles we shall be called to put through before that time. Distance of the day 16 miles


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Nov 16, 1838