Day in the Life

Nov 26, 1838

Journal Entry

November 26, 1838 ~ Monday

26 We travled to COLUMBUS the capitol of Ohio this is the first time I ever visited this place here we
came on to the National rode & rod[e] 9 miles & put up for the night at the National Hotel 20 [miles]


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
26 We continued our journey together we had not proceded far before Broth Townsend broke his axletree we soon mended it & went on We stayed in Columbus the capital of Ohio this is the first I ever visited this place here we came on to the National from Columbus we continued our course west on the National road 9 miles & put up for the night at the National Hotel distance 20 miles $2.00


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Nov 26, 1838