Day in the Life

Nov 29, 1838

Journal Entry

November 29, 1838 ~ Thursday

29 We travled to Dayton from thence we crossed the Miami river at the ford & put up for the night at the Inn of
E Weaver a villen he treated us Ill besides his wood & water was sca[r]ce & at the hi[gh]est place price {distance} 16 miles


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
29th {shorthand} we travled to Dayton from thence we crossed the ford at the
Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
Miami river & travled a [round] & put up for the night at the Inn of Mr E Weaver ^Greencastle Montgomery Ohio^ the kind kind of a place without Any would or water all of them scarce & at the highest prize Phebe continue sick & has some appearence of the brain fever distance 16 miles


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Nov 29, 1838