Day in the Life

Dec 7, 1838

Journal Entry

December 07, 1838 ~ Friday

7th We left Richmond on the national road & travled to centerville from thence through several flourishing little
villages on the national road in the woods looking as though they had sprung up in the night like Jonah's go^a^rd [Jonah 4] we put
up for the night at the Inn of Wm. D Harden the National road was smoothe & good. the whole distance 21 [miles]


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28 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Harden, William D.
8 Sep 1795 - 30 Mar 1882
2 mentions


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
7th We left Richmond on the National road & travled to Centerville from thence through several flourishing little villages on the National road in the woods looking as though they had sprung up in a night like jonah gourd [Jonah 4:6-7] we put up for the night at the In of Wm D. Harden the National road was smooth & good the whole distance of the day was {shorthand} $2.25 21 miles by the grace & mercy of God Phebe was enabled to perform the journey of the day quite comfortable I will ever praise the Lord for his mercy endureth forever


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Dec 7, 1838