Day in the Life

Oct 4, 1839

Journal Entry

October 04, 1839 ~ Friday

4th I spent the day at Fathers house. I walked in the evening to Jennett Steadmans & spent several
hours in conversation. Chauncy Hills is some delerious & it is feared that he will not live long &
it is some feared also that the Storms of Adversity that are falling upon Mary Ann Hills will carry
her to the grave soon, & while speaking of the afflictions of others I will return to ourselves

SINGULAR. Mercy Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Lot Thompson & Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson
all of one family Died at [FIGURE] 84 years of age.

A coffin Adna Hart
Died Oct 4th 1839
Aged 43 Years

Uncle Adna Hart died this 4th Day of Oct 1839 Aged 43 years

Thus our relatives with whom we have been associated from our youth up are droping
into eternity one after another But I thank GOD that theire is power in the plan of salvation to redeem
men from the grave I was Baptized for Adna Hart on the 26 Aug 1844


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Hart, Adna Thompson
abt. 1797-1839
49 mentions
Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Hills, Chauncy
abt. 1785 - 1857
Stedman, Jennette
1 May 1795 - 22 Jul 1888
Hills, Mary Ann
abt. 1814 -aft. 1879
Andrus, Mercy Thompson
23 Jan 1739 - 6 Sep 1822
10 mentions

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Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the , my uncle, Adna Hart, died, aged forty-three years. I had visited him in his sickness, and preached the gospel to him, and he was believing. I had also been associated with him from my youth up. On his death-bed he sent me a request that I would preach his funeral sermon. I was having the chills and fever daily at the time, attended with a very severe cough, so much so, that my father thought that I would never leave his home alive. But when they brought me the request of my dying uncle, and the day came for his burial, I told my father to get his horse and buggy ready, for I was going to attend the funeral. He thought I was very reckless in regard to my own life, as I had suffered with the chills and fever some fifteen days, and to attempt to speak in my weak state, and to begin at the same hour that my chill was to come on, seemed to him foolhardy. My parents were quite alarmed, yet according to my request my father got up his team, and I rode with him and my step- mother five miles, through a cold, chilly wind, and I

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the , my uncle, Adna Hart, died, aged forty-three years. I had visited him in his sickness, and preached the gospel to him, and he was believing. I had also been associated with him from my youth up. On his death-bed he sent me a request that I would preach his funeral sermon. I was having the chills and fever daily at the time, attended with a very severe cough, so much so, that my father thought that I would never leave his home alive. But when they brought me the request of my dying uncle, and the day came for his burial, I told my father to get his horse and buggy ready, for I was going to attend the funeral. He thought I was very reckless in re- gard to my own life, as I had suffered with the chills and fever some fifteen days, and to attempt to speak in my weak state, and to begin at the same hour that my chill was to come on, seemed to him foolhardy. My parents were quite alarmed, yet according to my request my father got up his team, and I rode with him and my stepmother five miles, through a cold, chilly wind, and I commenced speaking to a large congregation, at the same hour that my chill had been in the habit of coming on. I spoke over an hour with great free- dom, and my chill left me from that hour, and I had no more attacks for many days.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

all ^of one family^ died the year they were ^in their^ 85 ^year^ years of age old. On the Adna Hart died brother to my step Mother, aged 43. He requested me to preach his funeral sermon I had been sick at my fathers house with the ague for fifteen days attended with a severe cough and the hour for the funeral was the hour for my ague, yet I gave out the apointment, attended the funeral, preached an hour and a half, and I had no more

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

On the , Adnera Hart, died, bro^ther^ to my step mother, ^died,^ aged 43, he requested me to preach his funeral sermon; I had been sick at my father's house with the ague for fifteen days, attended with a severe cough, and the hour appointed for the funeral to take place was the time for my ague, yet I gave out the appointment, attended the funeral, and preached, an hour and a half and I had no more ague for many days,. I left on

Daybook (8 August 1839 - 12 January 1840)

Oct 4th I spent the day at fathers house I walked in the evening to Jennett Stedmans & spent several hours in conv ersation. Chancy Hills is some delirious & it is feared that he will live but few days & it is some feared also that the storms of Adversity that are falling upon Mary Ann Hills will carry her to the grave soon, & while speaking of the afflictions of others I will return to ourselves on the 27th day of Sept my Grandmother Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson departed this life. Aged 84 years [upside-down text] Singular. Mercy Thompson, Samuel Thompson & Lot Thompson allot one family & Anna Thompson all died at 84 years [end of upside-down text] Also on this 4th day of Oct Uncle Adna Hart died at 2 oclock PM. Aged 43 years So our relatives go into Eternity one after annother & truly may all such admonitions teach us to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

On the , Adner Hart, brother to my step-mother, died, aged 43. He requested me to preach his funeral sermon. I had been sick at my father's house, with the ague, for fifteen days, attended with a severe cough, and the hour appointed for the funeral was the time for my ague, yet I attended the funeral and preached, and I had no more ague for many

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

On the , Adner Hart, brother to my step-mother, died, aged 43. He requested me to preach his funeral sermon. I had been sick at my father's house with the ague for fifteen days, attended with a severe cough, and the hour appointed for the funeral was the time for my ague, yet I attended the funeral and preached, and I had no more ague for

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

to attend my Grand Mothers Funeral. On the 4 Oct ^1839^ my uncle Adna Hart died aged 43 years I had visited him in his sickness and preached the Gospel to him and he was believing and on his death bed sent me a request that I would preach his funeral sermon I had been associated with him from my youth up I was at the time having the chills and fever daily afflicted with a severe


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Times and Seasons, official Church newspaper, first published in Nauvoo, Illinois (continuously published until February 1846).

Oct 4, 1839