Day in the Life

Mar 1, 1840

Journal Entry

March 01, 1840 ~ Sunday

March 1st 1840 this is my birth day I am
33 years of age to day. I preached in Hanly &
broke bread. I preached in the evening to a
large congregation & the spirit & power of
God rested upon me. 4 offered themselves for
Baptism two soldiers received my testimony
& I think will be baptized. I visited Wid[ow] Lucy
No 6 Brunswick St I spent the night in Hanly


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Martin, Lucy Walton
abt. 1786 - aft. 1870


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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

was my birthday, when I was thirty-three years of age. It being Sunday, I preached twice through the day to a large assembly in the City Hall, in the town of Han- ley, and administered the sacrament unto the Saints. In the evening I again met with a large assembly of the Saints and strangers, and while singing the first hymn the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and the voice of God said to me, "This is the last meeting that you will hold with this people for many days.” I was astonished at this, as I had many appointments out in that district. When I arose to speak to the people, I told them that it was the last meeting I should hold with them for many days. They were as much astonished as I was. At the close of the meeting four persons came forward for baptism, and we went down into the water and baptized them. In the morning I went in secret before the Lord, and asked Him what His will was concerning me.

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

was my birthday, when I was thirty-three years of age. It being Sunday, I preached twice through the day to a large assembly in the City Hall, in the town of Hanley, and ad- ministered the sacrament unto the Saints. In the evening I again met with a large assembly of the Saints and strangers, and while singing the first hymn the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and the voice of God said to me, "This is the last meeting that you will hold with this peo- ple for many days." I was astonished at this, as I had many appointments out in that district. When I arose to speak to the people, I told them that it was the last meeting I should hold with them for many days. They were as much astonished as I was. At the close of the meeting four persons came forward for baptism, and we went down into the water and bap- tized them. In the morning I went in secret before the Lord, and asked Him what His will was concerning me. The answer I got was, that I should go to the south, for the Lord had a great work for me to perform there, as many souls were waiting for the word of the Lord.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

daily, baptizing, confirming, blessing children, opening new doors &c., On the as I met in the evening with a large assembly in the town of Hanly the Lord revealed unto me that it would be the last meeting that I would hold with the Saints in the potteris for many days I told the people it was the last meeting I should hold with them for a season it created much excitement among them as I had appointment out ^out^ for a week ^which I got Brother Cordon to fill^ I went before the Lord in prayer and asked him where I should go the spirit

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

On the 1st as I met in the evening with a large assembly in Hanly, the Lord revealed unto me that it would be the last time meeting that I would hold with the Saints in the Potteries for many days; I told

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

My Birthday, . On this day I was thirty three years of age On this birthday I preached in ^Hanly^ and broke bread and in the evening I preached again to a large congregation when the Spirit and power of God rested upon me. Four offered themselves for baptism and others received my testimony whom I expected would be baptized.

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—As I met in the evening with a large assembly in Hanley, the Lord revealed unto me that it would be the last meeting that I would hold with the Saints in the Potteries for many days. I told the people it was the last meeting I should hold with them for a season; it created much excitement. I had appointments out for a week, which I got brother Cor- don to fill. I went before the Lord in prayer, and asked him where I should go; the Spirit said, "Go to the south." According to the directions

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— As I met in the evening with a large assembly in Hanley, the Lord revealed unto me that it would be the last meeting that I would hold with the Saints in the Potteries for many days; I told the people it was the last meeting I should hold with them for a season; it created much excitement. I had appointments out for a week, which I got bro. Cordon to fill. I went before the Lord in pray- er, and asked him where I should go; the Spirit said, "Go to the south." According to

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

was my birth day I being 33 years of age. It being on Sunday I preached twice through the day to a large assembly in the City Hall in the Town of Hanly and broke bread unto the Saints again in the evening I ^again^ met with a large assemble of the Saints and strangers and while singing the first Hymn the spirit of the Lord rested upon me and the voice of the Lord said to me this is the last meeting that you will hold with this people for many ^days^ I was asstonished at this as I had many appointments out in that district, when I arose to speak to the people I told them that it was the last meeting I should hold with them for many days they were as much asstonished as I was In the at the close of the meeting several four came forward for baptism and we went down into the watter & baptized them. In the morning I went in secret before the Lord and asked him what his will was concerning me and the ownly answer I got was to go to the South for the Lord had a great work for me to perform there as many souls were there waiting for the word of the Lord


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Church membership is 16,800; population of the 26 United States is 17,100,000.

Mar 1, 1840