Day in the Life

Mar 24, 1840

Journal Entry

March 24, 1840 ~ Tuesday

24th [FIGURE] A preacher called upon me & after I con
versed with him a while he requested Baptism at my
hands I changed my clotheing & as I got ready
to go [to] the pool, three other preachers rode up in a gig
or charriot to see me. the fame had gone out into
all the country of the spedy work that God was
performing they had not herd me preach or any
Latter Day Saint but had come more than

20 miles to see me. they came down out of
the Gig & walked to whare I was, notwithstanding
they were Ministers yet I stood up & boldly declaired
unto them Jesus & testified unto them of the
great work of God in these last Days & the power
of God rested upon us, & they bowed down &
prayed & gave glory to God, & we all rose up
& the Gig stood still & we all went down
into the water at the same hour & I
Baptized them & lade my hands upon them
that they might receieve the Holy Hhost & they
went their way rejoiceing. I thent walked
to Moorends Cross & spent the night & preached
at Brother William Parsons & preached Baptized
5 persons more making 9 persons Baptized
^ A hand pointing to the right^ During the day I wrote a letter to Alfred Cordon
I Also confirmed 8 persons {Distance of the day} 6 mil


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Cordon, Alfred
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
Parsons, William
27 Mar 1807 - 20 Sep 1882
22 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 March 1840

I have just raised up in bed to say to tell you something more about my sickness. the 21st night of this month I went to bed well as usu- all slept untill 2 oclock then awoke and soon sent for company and about 5 had a little Willford presented to my view with bright black eyes people say that he looks much like me. sister Smoot came to see much me and much desires the addi tion of Owen to his how name how will that do think you

Supplication from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, circa August 1839

I have just raised up in bed to try to tell you something more about my sickness. the 21st night of this month I went to bed well as usu- all slept untill 2 oclock then awoke and soon sent for company and about 5 ahad a little Willford presented to my view with bright black eyes people say that he looks much like me. sister Smoot came to see me and much desires the addi tion of Owen to his how name how will that do think you

Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

A preacher called upon me On the one following a preacher called upon me and after conversing with him awhile he requested me to baptize him. I changed my clothing and as I got ready to go to the water three other preachers rode up in a carriage to see me. The fame had gone out into all the country around of the rapid work that God was doing amongst the people. They had not heard me nor any Latter-day Saint preach but had come more than 20 miles to see me. They came down out of the gig and walked to where I was. Notwithstanding they were ministers I stood up and boldy testified of the work of God in these last days. The power of the Spirit rested upon me and they bowed down and prayed and gave glory unto God. We arose from our knees and the carriage stood still and we all went down into the water that same hour and I baptized them and afterwards laid my hands upon them that they might receive the Holy Ghost and they then went on their way rejoicing Afterwards I went to ^Moorends Cross^ where I preached and baptized five persons making nine during the day. I also wrote a letter and confirmed eight person.


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Mar 24, 1840