Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1840

Journal Entry

March 27, 1840 ~ Friday
Baptized th

27th I walked to the House of Mark Davis
& Baptized two persons one a preacher. I then
walked to Shuknell Hill a vary noted & sightly
place the plains looked Beautiful in the valleys
around it, & notwithstanding it is a country
place yet I could count 21 churches from
the top of the Hill. I preached in the evening
to a large congregation, & although it
was the first time that they had herd the
fullness of the gospel, yet if their had been
water convenient their would have been
20 Baptized, but as it was a great distance
to the water most concluded to omit it
untill another day. some however would
not take no for an answer, & they followed
me untill 2 oclock at night in search of

water & we finally found a stream & Baptized
5 persons in a place whare we had to let them
down 8 feet perpendicular by the Bank before
we reached the water, & 3 of this number were
preachers, & one an aged woman who had followed
us the whole time leaning upon her staves.
I spent the night at the preaching place. I
Baptized 7 during the day 4 which were preachers
two females had a fit in the evening. I lade hands
upon them & they soon recovered {Distance of the day} 8 m


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Brush, Francis Stallard
22 Jun 1777 - 17 Sep 1843
4 mentions
1840 British Convert
Davis, Mark
27 Feb 1774 - 23 Apr 1856
4 mentions
1840 British Convert


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Elder Turley's trunk & it ought to be taken care of for he is cast into prison) what this Dream means time will soon Determin their is to be much Baptizing done soon somewhare. some of our Brethren will soon come from the U.S.A. & be divided among the people. & I shall soon Baptize many & some noted persons.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts
Baptized th
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On I baptized two more one of whom was a preacher. I then walked to Shuknell Hill a noted and sightly place. The plains looked beautiful and the valleys around the place ^town^ made the scenery picteresque in appearence. Notwithstanding that this was but a country place I counted twenty one churches from the top of the hill


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Mar 27, 1840