Day in the Life

Mar 31, 1840

Journal Entry

March 31, 1840 ~ Tuesday
Lydia War

Dianna Bloxham
Margarett Crook
Susanna Margarett
Frederick Evans
Joseph Baylis

31st I walked to the green way & Baptized
13 persons 4 of which were preachers. I
then walked to Elder Thomas Kington,
& preached at his house in Dimnock ^(Dymock)^
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters one to Richards, one to
Turley, one to Wm Benbow & one to
Clayton. I spent the night at Elder Kington
distance of the day 5 miles


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3 mentions
1840 British Convert
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
3 mentions
1840 British Convert
Margrett, Susanna Mason
20 May 1810 - 1 Nov 1846
2 mentions
1840 British Convert
Turley, Theodore
10 Apr 1801 - 12 Aug 1871
Kington, Thomas
18 May 1794 - 1 Jul 1874
185 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions
Benbow, William
11 Feb 1803 - 19 Dec 1886
31 mentions
1840 British Convert
Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879


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Letter to Willard Richards, 31 March 1840
Ledbury He[refordshir]e Dr Brothr Richards I received your letters last evening also one from Elder Cordon I have but about 10 minutes to write to you at this time, & while writing to you at this time I have several conversing to me so I have to write & answer questions at the same time, so if I make a blunder excuse it. Dear Brothr I have much I want to say to you. I have just written to Elder Turley & enquired all about his circumstances & expet he will answer me immediately & we must do what we can for him both by faith & works. It is begining to become the day of Gods power here in some degree. & I hardly know what make of it all. for some cause no man dare meet me in publick or come nijh [nigh] me at all to oppose me I have not had the first word of opposition in publick, but yet the whole world is stired up here all the Church Ministers are holding conventions here & they find they cannot stop me or the work by law & they are afraid of looseing their member & they have come to the conclusion to sink pools & baptized their churches by immersion as the ownly way to save them. they sent to one of their constables to take me up but they sent to the wrong man for before the message came to him I had Baptized him. one of the clerks of the church is intending to be Baptized but I have not yet given him an opportunity. my labours have mostly been at Frooms Hill 5 miles from Ledbury I never preached in Ledbury untill last evening, & notwithstanding I did not know a soul that lived in town, yet a large number flocked around me in the streets as soon as it was known that I was in town & gave me a hearty shake of the hand & the Baptist minister came to me rejoiced at an [interview] flung open his large chapel for me to preach in went with me into the pulpit & prayed mighlyly for God to bless me & I preached to the largest congra◊gation ever met in the house the Minister & rest m[e]mbers in town are Belveing. I have about a dozen to Baptize to day on Sunday I Baptized 13 confirmed 35 & B & C 9 yesterday I Broke Bred on Sunday to 100 saints. Elder Richards one word more to you & I must close this sheet. I want you to come immediatey & be a coworker with me in the vineyard here I cannot do the work alone I am called to Baptize 4 or 5 times a day I want no better man than yourself to council & labour with me here & help me reep this mighty harvest if you have nothing on but rags come I want your person come & God shall bless you with health & strength come by way of Manchester Burslem & get what you can for Br Turley & call & see him at Stofford goal. from Wolverhampton come to Worcester then enquire fromr Froome's Hill. & Hill farm. I want an interview with you as soon as you come before you meet much with the churches. If you can leave Sister R with any frie[n]ds a little while so do, dont fail of comeing Dear Brother if possible whether you come or not write immedtialy W Woodruff
Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts
Greenway Dianna Bloxham Margarett Crook Susanna Margarett Frederick Evans John Balylis
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On I baptized 13 more four of whom were preachers and afterwards I held a meeting in another place at the house of brother Kington.


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Mar 31, 1840