April 11th greenway
James Williams
^20^ James Clift
Eliza Whithorn
22nd We walked to Frooms Hill & called
upon Brother John Benbow & had an interv[ie]w
with Elder Kington & in the evening
we had a church meeting at Stanly Hill
to do Church Business A[s] follows
A meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints at Standly Hill Herefordshire
on the 22nd of April
Elder Brigham Young was called to the chair
Brother John Benbow chosen clerk
president Young opened the meeting by prayer
when it was Motioned by Er W Woodruff & secd
by Elder Kington that James Hill, James Barns, Charles
Price, & John Parry, be ordained to the office of a
priest, & John Benbow to the office of a Teacher
carried unanimously. Elder Brigham Young & W.
Woodruff then proceded to ordain the above pers
ons to the offices assigned them. Priest Charles
price was then chosen clerk of the Stanly Hill
Branch of the church. Meeting closed by prayer
We walked to Frooms Hill & spent the night 8 m[iles]
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