Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1840

Journal Entry

July 16, 1840 ~ Thursday

16th I visited Stoke & Stone Lane End. the Saints
were Joyful to see me or manifested themsellves so
I preached at Hanly & Baptized one [FIGURE]
I was Presented with a small splended China Box as
A present from the Saints in Stoke upon Trent England
{with the following inscribing: Phebe and Wilford Woodruff. A present from Stoke on Trent England. It
was worth about ₤} 3. {The names were spelled wrong and I had them altered. They were spelled as
follows:} Willeard, Pheab, Woodrooff. {We supplied the jewelry for it. I also have} 3 {china [vials]}
One {to Phebe,} one {to Sara} one {to Eunice and} 4 {thimbles. They were from Kurt and Sally} 10 m[iles]


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Webster, Eunice Hart Woodruff
19 Jun 1821 - 14 Jun 1853
272 mentions
1 mention
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
1 mention
Woodruff, Sarah Emma
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
165 mentions


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 16 July 1840
[page torn] Stoke upon Trent England Private My Dear Phebe I have got [page torn]ey choice fine presents for you in this bundle which I send to you in token of respect, which I hope & pray God, may fall into your hands in safety that you keep them in Memory of Willford & of the great & import- ant Mission which I am now filling. The elegant china Box which you will find in this Budle is considered one of the finest & best executed peace of work found in England or Europe it is the ^a^ present from the Saints in Stoke upon Trent. it was made & presented to me by Brother John Rowley & James Growcut all excepting the flower upon it is burried gold such an articles could not be purchased short of about £2 threetwo Sovreigns you will also find 2 smelling Bottle & three thimbles which are very pretty & neatly executed I intened intended to have had your name on the largest which was a mistake in the guilder but they are going to make me a viol or Bottle much larger then either of them & put Phebe on it they are making 3 china Pitchers for me to bring home when I come quart, Pint, & gill, with willford, Phebe, & Sarah Emma on them. (you will find in the china Box £5 five sovereigns which I want you to spend to make you comfortable as far as it will go. I sent you 1 ounce of sewing silk & or an ounce of black twill, & 150 needles the best that can be bought ^from willford^ (one Black silk apron & three caps a present from Sister Emma Cordon) I send you a good serviceable penknife & small pair of shears, 2 oz of thread. 2 pair of nice stockings & a pair of gloves ^gloves^ to Phebe, 4 pair of stockings & a pair of shoes to Sarah Emma, one pair of socks & stockings to willford one Box of nise steel pens to write 8 print Journals for Willford sen & Phebe &c. I send the above articles by Elder Turley which I hope you will get safe. I wish you to under stand that the china articles have not cost me any thing but were presents from gentlemen in Stoke. I wish you examin the things as you opened them for I have written on peaces of paper & put in some of them after you have read over this & under stood it I wish you to destroy it or take care of it so that it may not fall into the hands of others. I have worn the suit of cloths you made me untill about 15 days ago the friends made me a present of a new suit of black fine broad cloth which I am now wearing I shall send an other letter with this bundle in which I shall give you an account of matters & things with me you will find my pen knife that I had of Brothr Asahels please lay it by for safe keeping when you write me again tell me if there is any thing that you want me to bring you from England or from any where els as I return home & if it is in my power I will get it for you. I expet I can bring you a pair of lining sheets when I come. I could get a number of such things if it was not for the bulk of them in carrying so far. I have sent another bundle besids this by Brothr Turley in which you will find a dress for yourself & Sarah E. & also a letter to you There will be several caps sent you in a small Bundle from Manchester as a present from a sister there & I have ordered a small Hym Book for you & Sistr Smoot with your names on them in guilded. their is three caps in a paper that are done up according to the English fashion I expect they will be so ruffled or broaken that they will not be fit to wear without doing over but you will see the maner they done up they are large now but when they are washed they will be smaller they are from Sistr Cordon.


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Jul 16, 1840