Day in the Life

Aug 17, 1840

Journal Entry

August 17, 1840 ~ Monday

17th We took the parting hand with the Saints at the
Leigh & rode in company with Elder Browett to Chelten-
& called upon Sister Clark at Mrs Smiths No 3
Union St we then called upon Br Thomas Browett at
No 11. Hanover St we then called at the Temperance
Hotel & spent the night Pop[ulation] of Cheltenham 40,000 5 mile


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Browett, Daniel
18 Dec 1809 - 27 Jun 1848
65 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
1 mention


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Elder Smith spoke first & recommended the Saints to spend 5 minutes each day in getting an Idea in their minds from the scriptures & in one year they would have 365 new Ideas in their minds which would form a fountain of Intelligence & knowledge which would benefit themselves & man kind.
~ George Albert Smith
Elder Smith spoke first & recommended the Saints to spend 5 minutes each day in getting an Idea in their minds from the scriptures & in one year they would have 365 new Ideas in their minds which would form a fountain of Intelligence & knowledge which would benefit themselves & man kind.
~ George A. Smith

Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the we took the parting hand of the Saints at Leigh and started on our mission to London In company of Elder Browett Elders Kimball Smith and myself rode from Leigh to Cheltenham where we tarried
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On the , I took the parting hand of the Saints in Here- fordshire and started on a mission to London, in company with Apostles Heber C. Kimball and George A. Smith. We rode from Leigh to Chel- tenham, where we tarried for the night and in the morning took coach and rode forty miles through a most delightful country, which everywhere wore the golden hue of a plentiful harvest, passed through Oxfordshire, in sight of Stowe, the family residence of the Duke of Buckingham, and at Farmington Station, took train for London where we arrived at 4 p. m. We changed conveyance to the center of the city by omnibus, walked across London Bridge into the Borough, and called upon Mrs. Allgood the sister of Elder Theodore Turley's wife. She treated us with kindness, gave us refreshments and then directed us to a public house, the King's Arms, King Street, Borough. Here we tarried for the night.


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Aug 17, 1840