Day in the Life

Aug 30, 1840

Journal Entry

August 30, 1840 ~ Sunday


We having spent 12 days going to & fro through

the city of London to try to find a people that
were willing to receive our testimony & obey the
fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but finding
evry door shut against us we were now determin
ed in the name of God to go into the streets & lift
up our voice & warn the people accordingly Elders
Kimball, Smith, & myself, walked 3 miles into the
city, & stoped in Tabernacle square Old Street road
here we found a man preaching to the people of the
Aitken Society & when he closed another man got
into the chair to preach belonging to the Calvinest or
Presbyterians & Just as he was about to speak Elder
Kimball informed him that there was a preacher
from America present who would like to speak when
he got through The preacher then informed the peo-
ple that there was an American preacher present &
he proposed for him to speak first Elder G. A. Smith
then got into the chair & spoke about 20 minutes &
was followed dy the other preacher Elder Smith
informed the people that there was two other Amer-
ican preachers present that would address them
if they had an oppertunity & when the Calvenist
preacher closed, Elder Kimball asked him if there
would be any objeecction to our preaching there at 3
oclock he says No not all. What denomination do
you belong to? to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. O I have herd of them, they are a bad
people, they have done much hurt, they divide churches
we dont want to hear you. He then got up into his
chair & said to the people I have just herd that the
last man that spoke belongs to the latter Day Saint
& he spoke all manner of evil of us, & scandalized
us before the people without hearing us ^or^ knowing
any thing about our principles. Elder Kimball them
asked him to let him step into the chair & give out
the appointment for a 3 oclock meeting but he would
not let him & Just as he went to step inoto the chair
another preacher of the same order ketched up the
chair & run away with it Elder Kimball then rais
ed his voice & informed the people, that some Amer-
ican preachers would preach there at 3 oclock at
which time we were all three of us on the spot, &
the conduct of the preacher & the excitement upon
the subject brought a large congregation together I
opened the meeting by singing, & prayer & spoke abou[t]
30 minutes from Gal 1, 8, 9, upon the first principles of
the gospel
. I was then followed by Elder Kimball who

spoke about the same length of time the people gave
good attention to what we said & seemed to be much
interested in what they heard, & we dismissed our
meeting in the midst of good feelings. Mr Corner invited
us home, soon after we arived at his house Elder
Kimball felt impressed to returned Back to the place
of preaching, & when he got there he found a
large company talking about the things which they
had herd, & they wished him to speak to them again
& he did so & spoke lengthy & several invited him
home, and while he was there, a man that was a
preacher came to Mr Corners whare Br Smith & I
was & I gave them a brief account of the great
work which God was doing in these last days & they
received the things which I spoke unto them & Mr
Corner offered himself for Baptism which is the
first man that has offered himself for Baptism in
the city of London to us we appointed next evening
to administer the ordinance unto him & his hioushold
or as many as would receive it we took supper
with him & returned home by the way of London
the whole Bridge & streets was coverd with
people so thick that a person could scearcely get along
I returned home weary & spent the night at our
logings But was unwell through the night with the
Bowel complaint. But I felt thankful to God for
his mercies unto us for giving us the privilege
of preaching once to the people of London & of having
one soul as a seal of our ministry 7 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1450 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1470 mentions


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
started out on Sunday morning, ; walked three miles and stoped in Tabernacle Square, Old Street, where we found an Aitkenite preaching to the people, who was followed by a Presbyterian. Just as the latter was about to begin, Elder Kimball informed him that there was a preacher from America present who would like to speak when he got through. The preacher then informed the peopele that there was an American minister present, and proposed that he should speeak first. Elder George A Smith then got into the chair, and spoke about 20 minutes, and then the Presbyterian spoke. George A. had informed the people that there were two other American Preachers present who would like to address them; and, when the Presbyterian had closed, Elder
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
ing, , walked three miles and stopped in Tabernacle Square, Old Street, where we found an Aitkenite preaching to the people, who was fol- lowed by a Presbyterian. Just as the latter was about to begin, Elder Kimball informed him that there was a preacher from America present who would like to speak when he got through. The preacher then informed the people that there was an American minister present, and pro- posed that he should speak first. Elder George A. Smith then got into the chair, and spoke about twenty minutes, and then the Presbyterian spoke. George A. had informed the people that there were two other American preachers present who would like to address them, and, when the Presbyterian closed, Elder Kimball asked him if there would be any objection to our preaching there at three o'clock. He answered, "No, not at all. What denomination do you belong to?'' "To the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints," was the reply. "Oh, I have heard of them," he said. "They are a bad people; they have done much hurt; they divide churches; we don't want to hear you." He then mounted the chair again and said to the people, "I have just heard that the last man who spoke belongs to the Latter-day Saints," and he began to rail against us. Elder Kimball asked him to let him step into the chair to give out an ap- pointment for a 3 o'clock meeting, but he would not let him. Brother Kimball then raised his voice and informed the people that some American preachers would preach there at 3 o'clock. At the appointed time we were at the place. The conduct of the preacher and the excitement upon the subject brought a large congregation to hear us. I opened the meeting by singing and prayer and spoke about twenty minutes, from Gal. I. 8-9 v., and was followed by Elder Kimball for about the same length of time. The people gave good attention and seemed to be much interested in what they heard. After meeting, Mr. Corner invited us home; but soon after we arrived, at his house, Elder Kimball felt impressed to return to the place of preaching. When he got there he found a large company talking about the things which they had


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Aug 30, 1840