Day in the Life

Jan 21, 1841

Journal Entry

January 21, 1841 ~ Thursday

21st I called upon Br Biggs from thence to Mrs
Martha Johnsons residing in the chapel in King
Street, Hackney Road, she wished me to hold
meetings in the chapel. Among other things she
informed me, That Mr Reece Thomas Price
Died in Pennsylvania North America & left all of
his property to the amount of about £15,000
to the oldest & nearest of the family, & that it has
fallen to her Martha Price who has married
Edward Johnson. She was living in Antici Lanvill
Parish Montgomeryshire North Wales. But she
had not had any friend as yet to assist her to get it
I returned home, & read the 8 No of the Star
I then called upon Doctor Copeland, spuped with him
& preached in the evening at our room Elder
Kimball was sick not able to attend {Distance of the day} 6 m.


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Jan 21, 1841