Day in the Life

Feb 26, 1841

Journal Entry

February 26, 1841 ~ Friday

26th I took the parting hand with Elder Snow & the
Saints & walked to the great western Railway station
& took rail road for Bristol, & took my farewell of London
for the last time, we rode on the raill road to Wootton
. 80 miles I then took coach & rode 36 miles (the
Road was bad), to Bath which is the most striking
place to the eye of the travler I ever saw, the city
commences on the top of two mountains of high hills
& fills the valley between, the city is a vary Ancient
Antique looking place & vary quriously situated
pop 75,000. I again took cars at Bath & rode to Bristol
12 miles. I called at No 12 Redcliff Cressent, Bed-
Parrish Bristol, whare I found Elder Thomas
with all his houshold & also Elder Pitt they
made me welcome & I was truly glad to see them. City of
Bristol, is quite a noted place in England, with a
pop of 200,000 souls I found a little Branch of the
Church of L. D. Saints of 13 in No. Some believing came
in to convers with me in the evening. Distance of the day 120 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kington, Thomas
18 May 1794 - 1 Jul 1874
185 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Pitt, William Hill
16 Aug 1813 - 23 Feb 1873
66 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Letter to Don Carlos Smith, 29 March 1841
on the , and arrived at Bristol on the same day, where I found Elder Kington, who was busily engaged in the work of the Lord in that city, and had established a small branch of 14 members, I tarried here a short time, and preached three times in a theatre, had full congregations, good attention, and baptized one. and there appears a good pros- pect of a work in that city. Pop[u]lation of Bristol 200 000. While there, I visited the suspension bridge now erecting across the river Avon, at St Vincents Rocks, Clifton; which bridge is 100 feet in height above the river, and 700 in length. I spent one evening in Monmouth, on the borders of Wales, preached to a full congregation, several of- fered for baptism after meeting. On the 8th March, I attended a conference in Garway, Elder Levi Richards was chosen President, James Morgan Clerk, heard four branches represented containing 134 members; three were ordained to the ministry. 1 also preach- ed at Lugwardine, Shucknall Hill. Leadbury, Dymock, and Turkey Hall, to full congrega- tions, and find the work of the Lord still pro- gressing throughout that region. The ex- citement upon the subject in the city of Here- ford has been so great, that it has assembled together in the Market place 3000 persons at a time, to hear something upon the cause of


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Feb 26, 1841