Day in the Life

Mar 5, 1841

Journal Entry

March 05, 1841 ~ Friday

5th I arose refreshed by sleep took Breakfast with
Mr Maston & walked 10 miles through mud & water in the
midst of a driving March rains storm to Sister Mary
at little garway, whare I found a plesent family
of the Saints. we were drenched with rain, but
we found a good fire & spent the day comfortable. In
the evening I had an interview with Elder littlewood 10 m[iles]


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
I arose in the morning ^^ refreshed by sleep and having taken breakfast with Mr Maston I walked ten miles throug^h^ mud and water in a driving March rain storm to sister Mary Morgan at little Garway where I found a pleasant family of the Saints. We were drenched with rain but found a good fire & spent the day comfortably and in the evening I had an interesting interview with Elder Littlewood
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
which I opened one year before on the of the same month that I left this vineyard planted all over with Churches numbering fifteen hundred Saints. I have given the minutes of those Conference not to load my book with dry statestics which is never interesting to the reader but to lay at once before the view if I may so express it diagrams of the rise and progress of the work number of Churches planted and conferences organized in that region. If the readers will thus consider these ^The^ minutes which I have recorded they will see in them ^show^ at a glance a volume of history of the rise and progress of the Churches in Herefordshire and the regions around. For the same reason I have ^shall^ also given ^give^ the minutes of the General Conferences that the reader may have
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
the of the same month that I left this vineyard, planted all over with churches, numbering fifteen hundred Saints. The minutes which I have recorded will show at a glance the rise and pro- gress of the churches in Herefordshire, and the regions around.


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Mar 5, 1841