Day in the Life

Apr 18, 1841

Journal Entry

April 18, 1841 ~ Sunday

18th Sunday I Preached to about 200 saints
& some of the world in the music Hall in bold st
Liverpool in the morning, in the afternoon the
Twelve bore testimony of the work of work of God we
communed with the Saints in the evening elder
Taylor preached I spent the evening at 68 Leeds st
with Elder Edward Ockey & his sisters & Br Fidoe
& family


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Oakey (Ockey), Edward Ockey
27 Feb 1816 - 14 Aug 1871
Fidoe, John
23 Oct 1796 - 23 Jul 1881
21 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1968 mentions


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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 18 April 1841
Scarborough My Dear Companion I sit down at fathers this afternoon in the little chamber that you used to write in so much when here, to acknowledge the reception of your kind letter dated London Feb. 18th it was really comforting and cheering to my feelings at yes it brought th me the most pleasing news that I have had since you left me—even of your health and prosperity and also that you feell that your work is done in that land your testimony finished and that you can depart in peace—this is glorious news to me yes it is what I have often looked forward to and longed for. I did not wish you to leave there one hour sooner than it was the will of God for you to,—but I greately rejoice with you at the prospect of your jubilee for release from your ar- duous mission and if the Lord will be pleased to return you home once more in safety and permit us to enjoy each other's society once more we shall have great reason for thankfulness—that is what I have greately ^&^ long desired. Your long letter dated Jan. 10 was so long on the way that I thought an lett answer to it would not reach you in Eng. therefore wrote one and sent it to N.Y. in the care of brother Ilus for you and as Mr. F. Moulten expects to start in a day or two for N.Y. I though I could not let this opportunity pass of without droping a few lines to you. You ask if you had better sail direct from N.Y. [sideways text] Please give my best respects to brother Ilus and wife [end of sideways text]


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Apr 18, 1841