Day in the Life

May 22, 1841

Journal Entry

May 22, 1841 ~ Saturday
22nd I had the purusal of the 12 & 13th No of the
Times & Seasons which was highly interesting giving
an account of the Laying ofthe Corner Stones of
the House of the Lord in the presens of about 10,000
persons, & many other things of Interest

Married in New York City May 22nd by Elder
W Woodruff Mr. Edward Ockey to Miss Eliza
both from Castle Froome Herefordshire Eng.
the day following their arival. This is the first

time I have had the honour of officiating at
a marriage ceremony. this was at the house of
Elder J. W. Latson's in the presence of the quorum
of the Twelve.

Br & Sister Irskine lost
a child this day which was buried


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On this day the ceremony of marriage was performed by Elder Woodruff between Mr Edward Ockey and Miss Eliza Brewer both from Castle Froom Herefordshire at the house of Elder J. W. Latson in the presence of the quorum of the Twelve. This was the first marriage ceremony I ever officiated in and I was much interested in the welfare of the bride and brid[e]groom for they were both my children in the Gospel and Elder Edward Ockey had not only been munificient in gifts to me but he has also given between two and three hundred pounds to help the poor Saints to emigrate On the Sunday after we landed the Council of the Twelve met; and afterwards at our meeting place the National Hall Canal Street for public worship. There was a large congregation Many of the citizen were present besides the Saints from London Liverpool Manchester and various parts of England Ireland and Scotland While in New York, with Dr Bernhisel Willard Richards and George A Smith I visited the Frigates Brandy wine and North Carolina and crossed the river to Jersey side went through the steam ship of war then building for the Emperor of Rusia. We also visited some of the public buildings of New York
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On the , at the house of Brother Foster and in the presence of the quorum of the Twelve, I performed the service of marriage between Mr. Edward Ockey and Miss Eliza Brewer, both of them my converts of Castle Frome. This was the first marriage ceremony at which I officiated.


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May 22, 1841