Day in the Life

Apr 28, 1842

Journal Entry

April 28, 1842 ~ Thursday

28th THURESDAY Spent the day in the printing offic


before the Female relief society of Nauvoo,

Prest J. Smith arose & called the attention of the meeting
to the 12th Chap. 1st Corinth "Now concerning spiritual gifts" &c,
said that the passage which reads "no man can say Jesus is
the christ but by the Holy Ghost," should be translated, no
man can know, &c. [1 Corinthians 12:3]

He contind to read the chapter & give instructions re-
specting the different offices, & the necessity of every individu-
al acting in the sphere allotted him or her, & filling the several
offices to which they were appointed—spoke of the disposition
of men, to consider the lower offices in the church dishonorable
& to look with jealous eyes upon the standing of others, that
it was the nonsense of the human heart, for a person to be aspiring
to other stations than appointed of God—that it was better
for individuals to magnify their respective callings, & wait
patiently till God shall say to them to come up higher.
He said the reason of these remarks being made, was, that
some little thing was circulating in the Society, that some
persons were not going right in laying hands on the sick &c.
said if he had common sympathies, would rejoice that the
sick could be healed, that the time had not been before that
these things could be in their proper order that the church
is not now organized into its proper order, & cannot be until
the temple is completed

Pres Smith continued the
subject by adverting to the commision given to the ancient apos-
tles "Go ye into all the world &c"—no matter who beleiveth;
these signs, such as healing the sick, casting out devils &c,
should follow all that beleive wether male or female. [Mark 16:15-18]
He asked the society if they could not see by this Sweeping
stroke that wherein they are ordained it is the privilege
of those set apart to administer in that authority which is
conferred on them & if the sisters should have faith to
heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, & let every thing
roll on.

He said if God has appointed him, & chosen him as
an instrument to lead the church, why not let him lead
it through? Why stand in the way, when he is appointed to
do a thing? Who knows the mind of God? Does he not

reveal things differently from what we expect? He remarked
that he was continually rising—altho' he had every thing
bearing him down, standing in his way & opposing—after all
he always comes out right at the end.

Respecting females laying on hands, he further remarkd
there could be no devil in it if God gave his sanction by healing
that there could be no more sin in any female laying hands
on the sick than in wetting the face with water that it
is no sin for any body to do it that has faith, or if the sick
has faith to be healed by the administration.

He reproved thatose that were disposed to find fault
with the management of concerns—saying if he undertook to
lead the church he would lead it right—that he calculates
to organize the church in proper order &c.

Pres Smith continued by speaking of the difficulties
he had to surmount ever since the commencement of the
work in consequence of aspiring men, "great big Elders" as he
called them, who had caused him much trouble, whom he
had taught in the private council; & they would go forth into
the world & proclaim the things he had taught them; as
there own revelations—said the same aspiring disposition will
be in this Society—& must be guarded against—that every
person should stand & act in the place appointed, & thus
sanctify the society & get it pure.

He said he had been trampled under foot by as-
piring Elders, for all were infected with that spirit, for
instance P. Pratt, O. Pratt, O. Hyde & J. Page had been aspiring
they could not be exalted but run away as tho' the care &
authority of the church were vested with them—he said he
had a subtile devil to deal with & could only curb him
by being humble.

He said as he had this opportunity he was
going to instruct the society & point out the way for them
to conduct, that they might act according to the will
of God
—that he did not know as he should have many
opportunities of teaching them as they were going to be
left to themselves. they would not long have him to
instruct them, that the church would not have
his instruction long, & the world would not be troubled
with him a great while, & would not have his teaching
He spoke of delivering the Keys to this Society & the church
that according to his prayers God had appointed him


He exhorted the Sisters always to concentrate
their faith and prayers for, & place confidence in those
whom God has appointed to honor, whom God has
placed at the head to lead that we should arm them
with our prayers, that the keys of the kindgdom are
about to be given to them that they may be able to de-
tect every thing false, as well as to the Elders.

He said if one member becomes corrupt & you
know it; you must immediately put it away. The
Sympathies of the heads of the church have induced them
to bear with those that were corrupt; in consequence
of which all become contaminated, you must put down
iniquity & by your good example provoke the Elders
to good works, if you do right no danger of going too fast;
he said he did not care how fast we run in the path
of virtue, resist evil & there is no danger, God, men, angels,
& devils, cant condemn those that resist every thing
that is evil—as well might the devil seek to disthrone
Jehovah as that soul that resists every thing that
is evil.

The charitable Society, this is according to your
natures, it is natural for females to have feelings of charity
you are now placed in a situation where you can act
according to those sympathies which gGod has planted
in your bosoms.

If you live up to these principles how great &
glorious! if you live up to your privilege, the angels
cannot be restrained from being your associates—
females if they are pure & innocent can come into
the presence of God, for what is more pleasing to God
than innocence. you must be innocent or you can
not come up before God. if we would come before
God let us be pure ourselves. The devil has great
power, he will so transform things as to make one
gape at those who are doing the will of God.
you need not be teazing men for their deeds, but
let the weight of innocence be felt, which is more
mighty than a mill stone hung about the neck.
Not war, not jangle, not contradiction, but meek-
ness, love, purity, these are the things that should
magnify us. Achan must be brought [Joshua 7:19-26]

to light, iniquity must be purged out, then the veil will
be rent and the blessings of heaven will flow down
they will roll down like the Mississippi river. This
Society shall have power to command Queens in their
midst. I now deliver it as a prophecy that before ten
years shall roll round the Queens of the earth shall
come & pay their respects to this Society. they shall
come with their millions & shall contribute of their
abundance for the relief of the poor—If you will
be pure, nothing can hinder.

After this instruction you will be responsible
for your own sins. it is an honor to save yourselves
all are sresponsible to save themselves.

Prest. Smith after reading from the above
mentioned chapt. continued to give instruction respect
ing the order of God, as established in the church,
saying every one should aspire only to magnify his
own office &c.

He then commenced reading the 13th chapt
"Though I speak with the tongues of men &c"; & said
dont be limited in your views with regard to your
neighbors virtues, but be limited towards your
own virtues, & not think your selves more righte-
ous than others. you must enlarge your souls to-
wards others, if you would do like Jesus, & carry your
fellow creatures to Abrahams bosom.

He said he had manifested long suffering
& we must do so too—Prest Smith then read
"Though I have the gift of prophecy" &c. [1 Corinthians 13:2] He then
said though one should become mighty, do great
things, overturn mountains &c & should then turn
to eat & drink with the drunken; all former
deeds would not save him, but he would go
to destruction!

As you increase in innocence & virtue
as you increase in goodness let your hearts
expand, let them be enlarged towards others
you must be long suffering & bear with the
faults & errors of mankind. How precious
are the souls of men! The female part of
community are apt to be contracted in their
views. you must not be contracted,

but you must be liberal in your feelings.

Let this society teach how to act towards
husbands to treat them with mildness & affect-
ion. When men is borne down with trouble
when he is perplexed, if he can meet a smile,
an argument, if he can meet with mildness
it will calm down his soul & soothe his feel-
ings. when the mind is going to despair
it needs a solace.

This society is to get instruction thro'
the order which God has established, thro' the
medium of those appointed to lead & I now
turn the Key to you in the name of God & this
society shall rejoice & knowledge & intelligence
shall flow down from this time—this is
the beginning of better days to this society.

When you go home never give a cross
word, but let kindness charity & love, crown
your works hence forward. dont envy sinners,
have mercy on them. God will destroy them
Let your labors be mostly confined to those
around you in your own circle; as far as
knowledge is concerned, it may extend to
all the world, but your administrations
should be confined to the circle of your
immediate accquaintance, & more
especially to the members of the society.

Those ordained to ledad the society
are authorised to appoint the different
offices as the circumstances shall require.

If any have a matter to reveal,
let it be in your own tongue, do not indul
ge too much in the gift of tongues, or the
devil will take advantage of the innocent.
You may speak in tongues for your own
comfort but I lay this down for a
rule that if any thing is taught by the
gift of tongues, it is not to be received
for doctrine.

Prest Smith then offereed instruct
ion respecting the propriety of females

administering to the sick by the laying
on of hands
, said it was according to
revelation &c. said he was never placed
in similar circumstances & never had
given the same instruction.

He closed his instructions by ex-
pressing his satisfaction in improving
the opportunity.

The spirit of the Lord was pour'd
out in a very powerful manner, never
to be forgotten by those present on that
interesting occasion.

[FIGURE] Copied by John P. McEwan
Augt 27th 1844.

Testimony of Mother Lucy Smith.

Mother Smith rose & said she was glad the
time had come that iniquity could be detected
& reproach thrown off from the heads of the
church. We come into the church to be saved
that we may live in peace & sit down in the
kingdom of heaven. If we listen to, & circulate
every evil report we shall idly spend the
time which should be appropriated to the
reading of the scriptures, the Book of Mor-
—we must remember the words of
Alma pray much at morning, noon &
evening [Alma 33:3-11]—feed the poor &c. She said she
was old could not meet with the society
but few times more, & wished to leave her
testimony that the book of mormon is
the book of God—that Joseph Smith is
a man of God, a prophet of the Lord
set apart to lead the people. If we
observe his words it will be well with
us; if we live righteously on earth, it


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
14 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Page, John Edward
25 Feb 1799 - 14 Oct 1867
125 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Smith, Lucy Mack
8 Jul 1775 - 14 May 1856
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
549 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

He said if God has appointed him, & chosen him as an instrument to lead the church, why not let him lead it through? Why stand in the way, when he is appointed to do a thing? Who knows the mind of God? Does he not
~ Joseph Smith
reveal things differently from what we expect? He remarked that he was continually rising - altho' he had every thing bearing him down, standing in his way & opposing - after all he always comes out right at the end.
~ Joseph Smith
Respecting females laying on hands, he further remarkd there could be no devil in it if God gave his sanction by healing that there could be no more sin in any female laying hands on the sick than in wetting the face with water that it is no sin for any body to do it that has faith, or if the sick has faith to be healed by the administration.
~ Joseph Smith
The devil has great power, he will so transform things as to make one gape at those who are doing the will of God.
~ Joseph Smith
if you live up to your privilege, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates - - females if they are pure & innocent can come into the presence of God, for what is more pleasing to God than innocence, you must be innocent or you can not come up before God, if we would come before God let us be pure ourselves.
~ Joseph Smith
"Though I speak with the tongues of men &c"; & said dont be limited in your views with regard to your neighbors virtues, but be limited towards your own virtues, & not think your selves more righte- ous than others, you must enlarge your souls to- wards others, if you would do like Jesus, & carry your fellow creatures to Abrahams bosom.
~ Joseph Smith
As you increase in innocence & virtue as you increase in goodness let your hearts expand, let them be enlarged towards others you must be long suffering & bear with the faults & errors of mankind How precious are the souls of men! The female part of community are apt to be contracted in their views. You must not be contracted,
~ Joseph Smith
but you must be liberal in your feelings.
~ Joseph Smith
Let this Society teach now to act towards husbands to treat them with mildness & affect- ion. When men is borne down with trouble when he is perplexed, if he can meet a smile, an argument, if he can meet with mildness it will calm down his soul & soothe his feel- ings, when the mind is going to despair it needs a solace.
~ Joseph Smith
When you go home never give a cross word, but let kindness charity & love, crown your works hence forward. dont envy sinners, have mercy on them, God will destroy them Let your labors be mostly confined to those around you in your own circle; as far as knowledge is concerned, it may extend to all the world, but your administrations should be confined to the circle of your immediate accquaintance, & more especially to the members of the Society.
~ Joseph Smith
If any have a matter to reveal, let it be in your own tongue, do not indul ge too much in the gift of tongues, or the devil will take advantage of the innocent. You may speak in tongues for your own comfort but I lay this down for a rule that if any thing is taught by the gift of tongues, it is not to be received for doctrine.
~ Joseph Smith
When you go home never give a cross word, but let kindness charity & love, crown your works hence forward. dont envy sinners, have mercy on them, God will destroy them Let your labors be mostly confined to those around you in your own circle; as far as knowledge is concerned, it may extend to all the world, but your administrations should be confined to the circle of your immediate accquaintance, & more especially to the members of the Society.
~ Joseph Smith, Jr.


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Millennial Star begins serial publication of Manuscript History of the Church in England.

Apr 28, 1842