Day in the Life

Feb 6, 1846

Journal Entry

February 06, 1846 ~ Friday

6th A steemer hove in sight this morning on her
way to Liverpool remained in sight about one
hour. we still have A head wind I was sea sick
at night we run about 7 nots per hour. we are
in constant danger of being destroyed by fire
through the carlessness of the passengers with
there pipes And candles about there straw
beds & crates of crockery filled with straw


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Letter from Dwight Webster, 6 February 1846
Nauvoo Ill Dear Brother Woodruff I recieved your letter of date Dec 5th it came to hand yesterday. I have done with the two letters enclosed as you directed or I have delivered Brother Youngs and will Br Benbows the first opportunity, the idea of your coming to Nauvoo this spring was new to us we have supposed by the best information we could get that you would not come here but go the other way, but we are glad that you are a coming as we all want to see you and ^also^ that you can see to your own affairs here, you speak of bringing Father & Mother along with you truly this would be a great pleasure to us to behold our parents once more in the flesh remember us to Sister Jenner, Brother and Sister Hooker Mr & Mrs Burgess Mary- ann and Samuel &c &c—tell Cousin Betsy not to let her heart fail her to much on account of your coming away we should be glad to hear from her from her own pen. Burgess is quite sick Eunice and myself are comfortable my leg is still sore and troubles me a considerable D Webster [upside-down text] Mother, you will not need to bring any Physic with you for you will not do anything but Shit after you get into this State [end of upside-down text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

On final day of work in temple, 600 received ordinances; total of 5,615 received endowments in Nauvoo.
Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Feb 6, 1846