Day in the Life

Feb 12, 1846

Journal Entry

February 12, 1846 ~ Thursday

12th Seas High & rough this morning
the wind still continues vary strong from
the South East we are still under reef
top sails though they make A little sail
this morning we all fell some unwell
it is supposed we shall reach the Bank of
Newfoundland this evening At 6 ocl[ock] the capt
had the lead cast for soundings we have
made 1000 miles on our course during the last
4 days nearly as much as we made the
first 17 days I hope the wind may
continue favorable


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On final day of work in temple, 600 received ordinances; total of 5,615 received endowments in Nauvoo.
Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Feb 12, 1846