Day in the Life

Jun 30, 1846

Journal Entry

June 30, 1846 ~ Tuesday

30th When I started from Mount Pisgah
I Had six waggons one carriage sixteen
yoak of cattle And 7 cows 2 mules & one
Horse in all 42 Head the bridge was
finished this morning & we gatherd
up our cattle & started about 9 oclok
I stoped my carriage on the top of a rolling
prairie And I had most A splendid view
I could stand And gaze to the east west
North &, South & behold the Saints pouring
out & gathering like clouds from the
Hills & dales grove & prairie with there

teams, waggons, flocks, & Heards by Hunderds
& thousands as it were untill it looked
like the movements of A great Nation
we travled 10 miles & camped at a point
of timber on the edge of an 18 mile prairie
& camped Mrs Woodruff was quite unwell
thrugh the day but better at night


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Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Jun 30, 1846