Day in the Life

Jul 21, 1846

Journal Entry

July 21, 1846 ~ Tuesday

21st I met in council with the Twelve
in the morning. we Appointed Twelve men
(Father Morley at the head) to acct in the
capacity of A High Council to take charge
of Affairs at Council Bluffs while the
quorum of the Twelve go on to the Island
I spent the remainder of the day Hunting cattle


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Morley, Isaac
11 Mar 1786 - 24 Jun 1865


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
I met with the quorum of the Twelve on the morning of the 21st and we appointed 12 men with Father Morley as their head to act in the capacity of a High Council to take charge of affairs at Council Bluffs while the quorum of the Twelve go on to the Island f establish Winter Quarters


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Jul 21, 1846