Day in the Life

Jul 23, 1846

Journal Entry

July 23, 1846 ~ Thursday

23rd I crossed the river Mo. to the camp to
Attend a council with the Twelve they had
gone to Elk horn 18 miles And did not return
untill evening we had no council distance 12 [miles]


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On I crossed the river Mo. to the camp to attend a council with the Twelve but they had gone to Elkhorn and did not return until the evening so our council was put off unto the the next day when we met on a high prairie ridge. Eleven of our quorum were present. We put on our robes and offered up our prayers to God conversed upon principle and decided that no man has a right to attend to the ordinance of sealing except the President of the Church or those who are directed by him so to do and that the ordinance should be confined to Zion or her stakes. This was the last council we were expected to hold together before the departure of Elders O Hyde P. P. Pratt and John Taylor for England We had an interesting time in our council and at the close Brother Parley, George A. and John Taylor started for our camp at the Bluffs. We rode part of the way to the river in a carriage and then I walked with Brother Parley and took skiff and rowed over the river and then started for home but in taking a near road ^across a slough^ in the dark we missed our way and wandered some time in the dense weeds willows bushes &c. We at last found our road and arrived at brother Pratts tent in the bottom where I parted from him and lost my way ^again^ going to the Bluff but arrived at last at my tent at 10 o'clock very weary having walked about 12 miles after sundown Next day I got together my teams early in the morning and started for the ferry to cross but found Brother


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Jul 23, 1846