Day in the Life

Aug 28, 1846

Journal Entry

August 28, 1846 ~ Friday

28th An arrow Met in council this morning with the
Omaho's chiefs & braves we smoked the pipe of
peace And then President Young spoke to them
through there interpeter whose name was [blank]
[blank] Informing them It was our desire
to winter here And if they wished we would do
some work for them make them a field &
fix there guns &c And many things were said
which I cannot now name And the big Elk
replyed, My son thou hast spoken well I have
all thou hast said in my heart I have much
I want to say. We are poor when we go to
hunt game in one place we meet an enemy &
so in another place our enemies kill us we do
not kill them. I hope we will be friends you
may stay on these lands two years or more. our
young men may watch your cattle we would
be glad to have you trade with us we will warn
you of danger from other Indians &c many
other things were said. the council closed
The Indians were fed & returned home


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
We met in the morning with the Omahas chiefs and braves in Council. We smoked the pipe of peace and then President Young spoke to them through their Interpreter. He told them it was our desire to winter there and that if they wished we would do some work for them—make them a field fix their guns &c and said many other things which I did not report. The Big Elk replied: "My Son, Thou hast spoken well. I have all thou hast said in my heart. I have much I want to say We are poor. When we go to hunt game in one place we meet an enemy, and so in another place. Our enemies kill us. We do not kill them. I hope we will be friends. You may stay on these lands two years or more. Our young men may watch your cattle. We would be glad to have you trade with us. We will warn you from ^of^ danger from other Indians." Much more was said by Big Elk. The Council closed and the Indians were fed and returned home. On Sunday we held meetings in the Camp of Israel and on the Monday B. Young H. C. Kimball Willard Richards W Woodruff George A Smith and A Lyman of the Twelve with others started in search of Council Bluffs we had a pleasant day's ride and we all enjoyed ourselves well


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford severely injured by falling tree while cutting logs to build his family a cabin: breaks breastbone, three ribs, suffers internal injuries.

Aug 28, 1846