5th In company with Br's O. Pratt, H. C. Kimball,
P. Rockwell, J M. Grant, Eldridge, [blank] and
others I went in search of a new ferry we travled
down the Mo River 5 miles on the bluff saw many
Hops Elder buries & grapes, two deer, & killed one
Turkey we took with us A leather boat crossed
the river with 7 persons in it & there met a committee
from Council point who was upon the same
business this committee was composed of Bishop
Morley, Harris, Miller, Richards & others some returned
with us we saw about 200 Brant in the river as we
crossed several of us spent some time in picking
grapes we got about 2 bushels, made A Bridge across
A creek And started for home while on the way
we met some wolves in the road but they left
before we got near enough to shot them. we
arived home about 9 oclok at night 15 miles
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